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The Justin Quiz

So you think if Justin saw you, he'd be yours forever? See if you have what it takes to even have him give you a glance. Take this quiz to see if you and J have what it takes to giddy on up.

Go grab a piece of paper and write down your answers. Be honest, it's just for fun. Because c'mon chic, you don't you have a chance.

1.)Your cruisin' in your ride when you see an old lady with a walker. You:

A) Stop right there in the middle of traffic and get out to help her.
B) Ask your friend with you to get out and help her... shoo you just got some new kicks and you don't wanna get them all dirty.
C) Forget buying toothpaste, someone's in trouble! Get out right now and help out this old geezer.
D) Screw it, your stomach's growling for some burgers.
E) Laugh hysterically and drive away.

2.) Your favorite phrase is:

A) "...cuz I'm from Mississippi."
B) "We gonna get this crunk!"
C) "Wow-ee! Let's grab some grub and head out to the gig!"
D) "I lost my number, can I borrow yours?"
E) "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

3.) If I were stranded in a desert island and I could take 3 things, I would take:

A) My Bible, my journal, and a picture of my horse's first baby
B) A basketball, basketball shoes, and a basketball hoop.
C) Some black leather boots, a bottle of roids', and a pillow.
D) My little black phone book, my Playboys, and FOOOOOOOOOOOD.
E) a Whoopie cushion, a rubber chicken, and invisible ink.

4.) I hit the Mall of America to buy my boyfriend a present, the first place I go to is:

A) Berean's Bible Store. His Bible case is getting a little worn out.
B) Champs, Foot Action, or/and Foot Locker. He needs him some new kicks, yo.
C) the Paul Mitchell Outlet Store. My man cannot get enough hair supplies, I swear.
D) Victoria's Secret. He says as long as me and my teddy keep him happy, he'll stay.
E) Spencer's Gifts. South Park, South Park, South Park. sigh

5.) Is Lou Pearlman the bomb diggity?

A) Yes, he is our inspiration.
B) Aww heck ya. Sept' for when he tries to be all up on my nuts...
C) Oh very much so. He is the sole purpose I can do crac--, I mean that we are here today.
D) Na na, he always eats all the BBQ before I get a chop.
E) Lou who? Hey knock knock...

Whew tough one, huh? For the results, go HERE

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