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A Little Slice of Stef

That's me on the left on the JUMBOTRON

Updated 11/10

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Its a new one.. so even if you signed.. please sign again. (didn't like old server) I even moved it up here so you can sign it!! Lazy.... ;-)

Its Hockey Time in LA Baby

STUMPEL QUOTES (great quotes I have collected)

"yaknow... yaknow...yaknow"-every interview

Me: I was so worried about you Jozef: Don't worry Me: You know I'm your #1 Fan Jozef: I know (end of 98-99 season)

"I love Jozef" -Ziggy Palffy when they came out of Training Camp in 99

Anyway on this Stumpel Subject.. czech this oot...

I finally got my stick!

Here's what he wrote

thanks Donna for the Pix yaknow?!

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Welcome to the Disclaimer. This and the pages I have created are based soley (thanks Floor Matt) on my oppinions. Most of these pictures are used without their permition. Sorry about that by the way. I am not affiliated with the LA Kings other than I am a fan hoping to further my opinions. I also do not stalk Jozef Stumpel.. I just worship him.. but I am not in a religious cult.. why am I still writting this? Why are you still reading?????? GO KINGS!

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