Okay! Here's the GOOD stuff... let me start off by saying I actually like all the Slayers characters. I have nothing against Zelgadiss and Xelloss, and I in fact, have nothing against those who say they should be with Lina but... well I believe in the theory of Lina and Gourry! And no one is changing that! ^.^ Well on with the reasons! Here's an explanation from Alyson Metallium! (thanks Alyson-Chan ^_^) Okay... and now here's MY explanation...Okay... here's the part where I just ramble in plain words why they should be together!! Okay, first off, Gourry very seriously claims to be Lina's guardian. This must show that he cares about Lina's well being, and he wants to protect her. (Isn't that just so sweet...?) Lina, also, claims to stay with Gourry for the SoL, but isn't it both of them that stick together using this reasoning? I mean... he's her guardian, and I think Lina is just really attracted to him.
Lina and Gourry should be together because Gourry's innocense and cluelessness are a wonderful compliment to Lina's worldliness and smarts. Not only that, but I have a feeling that a lot of Gourry's "dumbness" is pretend, so that he can make sure that Lina is constantly on the ball. Also, he's able to keep Lina's ego from getting so big that she starts to make careless mistakes due to over
confidence. These two balance each other out quite nicely, I think.
And honestly, who wouldn't be?! He's your typical hunky, long-haired, nice-bodied storybook hero! He's not too smart... okay, he's dumb as the button on the shirt you're wearing, but he's a helluva lot cuter than a button too!
And ya know... Lina ain't too bad in the looks department herself really. She does have a petite frame, those "big round eyes" and "winning smile." Plus red hair is attractive according to guys I've talked to. Surely a guy could overlook her chest, right?
Okay, so they're both good-looking you say. That's as far as it goes, you say. No! That's not all! I mean they'd be a great team too!! Lina has brains! Well duh who doesn't but what I mean is Lina is very intelligent and witty, and can think her way out of almost any situation! Now see this is where the Zel/Lina fanatics get on my case and say "So she should be with another smart person!" That actually causes me to more disagree... because what if they both came up with contradicting plans? Knowing Lina Inverse, she'd argue it out until they were out of time to put either plan in motion! Gourry's so dumb that any plan Lina says he'll go along with, possibly saving both their necks in time!
Now... Lina may be a master of magic, but when it comes to brute strength... who better to turn to than Gourry? He's strong as an ox (with the brain capacity of one too.. eh heh) and he could use his muscle to help with anything.
So, all in all, one can supply the brains, the other the brawn! Doesn't that work nicely?
Okay.. they have the look, they have the skill... what about feelings, and helping each other through emotional times? THIS is where the real facts come into play. ^_^
Lina is a very very abused person I think all in all... I mean.. her sister kicked her out. Her only relative gave her the boot, and I think Lina won't admit it but she really hates bein' alone. Gourry acts as a companion to her, and I think she really does enjoy his company. Afterall, he can't fireball her like Luna could. ^ ^; As for emotionally supporting Gourry, I think Gourry likes having Lina around as well. The only time he really appears unhappy around her is when she fireballs him, dil brands him, etc.
This brings me to another point... if they like each other, why does Lina fireball him?! Well you could answer that yourself. Remember that little boy/girl you absolutely adored in first grade? Remember all the times you tripped him on the schoolyard, or you pulled her pigtails, or you made him chase you around and drove him nuts, or when you poked her with a pencil till she cried? Well.. this same elementary behavior was how you showed you liked your little pal! This is the same way Lina takes up showing she likes Gourry, or at least that's how I've come to believe.