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#819 Invasion of the Neptune Men

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

Terror strikes Japan when a group of doofy looking Neptune Men decend from the sky. As is the standard in Japan, they are discovered by a group of rag-tag kids in small shorts. These kids are a bunch of doofs too; in fact, everyone in this movie is a big doof. The children are saved by a doof named Space Chief. Basically the same old plot unfolds: scientist doofs do stuff, the Neptune doofs blow up stuff, and the doofy Space Chief ends up saving the day. Keep an eye open for the Hitler building; who knew?!

Host Segments

Prologue: Servo and Crow have been reading up on eyelash mites, and are convinced that Mike would be better off without them.

Segment One: The nanites launch an attack on Mike's eyelash mites under the command of Crow and Servo. They are greatly outnumbered, and an epic battle ensues. Meanwhile, Pearl and Brain Guy meet up with Bobo in Ancient Rome. He has lost his memory and is convinced that he is a gladiator and has gotten all of the Romans to worship him and stuff. Back on the SOL, Mike's eyelashes have gotten really gross and gunky without his eyelash mites, and Crow and Servo try to place the blame on him, as usual.

Segment Two: The 'bots put on a Kabuki play, Mike mentions Noh theatre, and all hell breaks loose.

Segment Three: Servo has Roji Panty Complex, and Mike applies panties. In Ancient Rome, Pearl and Brain Guy try to get Bobo to snap out of it, but he's too busy getting a bug statue of himself to give a rat's extremity. Back on the SOL, Crow wants to get Roji Panty Complex too, just so he can have panties applied to him as well.

Segment Four: Krankor shows up to cheer up Mike and the 'bots from the horror of the movie.

Segment Five: Crow has created a suggestion box so he has an excuse to shamelessly bash Japan. Pearl bashes Bobo with a stone tablet, returning him to his former self. They all get arrested.

Stinger: The creepy kids freak out.

My Thoughts

This was a fun ep. The movie was completely and totally Japanese in all its dubbed glory, and those are my favorite kind of MSTed movies. This was one of the first eps I saw; I remember the Roji Panty Complex seg very, very well from my first viewing. When I saw the ep again, I suddenly realized that I had seen the seg before, and my whole world came crashing down when I realized I really had no idea whether I had seen this ep or Deadly Mantis first. I will worship anyone who, for some strange reason, has an episode guide from May '98 in their possession.

One of my all-time favorite host segs ever is the prologue/first seg with the eyelash mites and the Mad Goth. I even transcribed it for this site and Ward E. Read it here.

"Slut? I mean, what?"