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The Movie MSTing Project

Well, wasn't it only a matter of time? Yes, I will soon be beginning the ultimate project for any MSTie: the MSTing of an entire movie script. While the ultimate movie MSTing would be The Blair Witch Project (how fun would that be?), sadly, I have no script or any desire to watch it enough times to copy it down word for word. Also, there's not enough MSTable dialogue. (Contrary to popular belief, "What the fuck is that?!" is not MSTable.) Thus, I tried to go for the next best thing: a full scale MSTing of Clerks.

That didn't work out, sadly. Too much movie, not enough time. I scoured the web for a transcribed copy of the film (not the one in Two Screenplays, that's the shooting script), to no avail, and I just didn't have the energy to transcribe it myself. Maybe when I nab the DVD and can pause more effectively.

But I wasn't going to let the Movie MSTing Project go. So, I decided I would MST one of my least favorite kids movies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

I'll be posting each scene separately, as that's the most effective way of getting it done. Stay tuned...

Scene 1: Bill's Candy Shop

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