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Boy Bryan

It seems like years ago that I started my journey into the Leather Lifestyle; exactly, it was 1990. It was also the year I came out, and fell in love for the first time.

My first lover, though I did not know it at the time, was a leather man. He introduced me to several facets of SM, from bondage and discipline to fisting to cock and ball play to tit play.

When our relationship ended, I found myself in an awkward position. I had an inkling of what sex could be like , which I was hungry for, but on the edge of a terrifying precipice. I retreated and spent 4 years away from the leather community.

Inadvertently, I came back to the leather community through a bear group that taught me alot about my self worth. However, even as I was gaining so much, I still had not found the outlet that I had experienced 4 years earlier, nor did I find acceptance for those sexual urges.

That all changed in 1995, when I met my lover and daddy, Mike. When we first got together, he thought I was a vanilla club kid, and I thought he was another big furry guy who wouldn't understand. As time progressed, and we found out more about each other, we both learned what the other was into, and while compared to him, I was vanilla, I was also more experienced than he thought.

Since that time, I have been given the honor of wearing his collar. I have been through many changes since then. Many of the changes were difficult for me because we did not have much contact with our leather community due to jobs and hobbies (being boaters on the weekend and oncall 7x24 tends to cramp any social life).

I can trace my extreme growth phases in the leather community directly back to those points when we were in contact with other leather folk. Typically, these occurred at leather contests such as American Brotherhood Weekend, Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend , International Mr Leather Contest, and Mr. Florida Leather and Florida Leather Boy contests .

At IML of 1998, it hit me that if I could carry the kind of close contact with other folk, and the environment the contests set up as far as networking, and "safe space" to talk and explore, then perhaps others would not have to wrestle with some of the problems that I had to face alone.

And that is how the concept for this site started and the mailing list was created.

Yours in Leather,

Boy Bryan
