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Winter in the North
Woman in field
Buffalo Cart
Traffic in Saigon


Largest City--Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon)

Population--75,280,000 (1996)

Languages--Vietnamese (official language), Khmer, Montagnard, Cham, French, English, Russian

Ethnic groups--Vietnamese 88%, 12%Other including Chinese, Tai, Khmer, Thai, Muong, and Nung

Currency--Dong (11,000 Dong =$1 US)


Life Expectancy--64 male; 68 female

Telephones--1 per 563 persons

Television sets--1 per 28 persons

Radios--1 per 8.8 persons

Hospital Beds--1 per 329 persons

Physicians--1 per 2,617 persons

Labor force--65% agriculture; 35% industry and services

Livestock--3.3 million cattle; 14.9 million pigs

Industries--Food processing, textiles, cement, chemical fertilizers

Chief crops--Rice, rubber, soybeans, coffee, tea, bananas

Minerals--Phosphates, coal, manganese, bauxite, chromate, oil

Arable land--22%

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