Zangulus! Ah, well enough yap... let's get to Zangulus!! Page Last Updated: 4-18-00 Wondering about the new look? Well keep coming back and eventually I'll have my fanfic posted that explains it ALL! ^_~
Welcome to my page! ^_^ This is my meager yet badly needed shrine to the under appreciated bounty hunter of Slayers and Slayers Next... Zangulus!
Whoohoo! Look! I've gotten rid of the "Welcome" thing! Not only was it annoying to have it come up over and over, as some of you pointed out to me, but it was so clashy with the beautiful green of the rest of the page... ^^; Or maybe it's just me.
Bleh, you're here to enjoy yourself, not listen to my rambling! The issue is there are plenty of Gourry shrines and Zelgadiss and Xelloss shrines.... so where are the Zangulus shrines?! I pondered over this and I pondered over this and I even pondered some more... and I figured out it's cause no one really thinks Zangulus adds much to the story. He does, though and I'll prove it!
Oh yeah! Any suggestions for me? I love to get them!! Click here if ya please, to drop me a line!
All visitors! Attention! A-Chan's Shrine To Zangulus is now holding a contest for who can write the best story on how/why Zangulus got his hat! More details are on Zangulus's Hat or you can get answers directly from our webmistress (that's me, A-Chan ^.^) by e-mailing her at! The winner will receive a Banner for their page boasting that they alone know the true origin of Zangulus's hat, and have Zangulus and A-Chan's personal recognition!
DEADLINE: April 28th, 2000
Vote or send in stories before this date, or I can't print or count your vote!