Even as I'm
typing this in April 2000 I still can't come up with words to
describe my feelings about the annual TGSF Cotillion. I had
missed one in 1998, so I had decided to savor my first in 1999,
as I started to relate in my Diary Entry for it.
As Treasurer of TGSF for 1999-2000 I was involved in Cotillion 2000 starting with the evaluation meetings of the previous year's event. We had a very active Cotillion Committee, and many of the jobs that needed to be done were divided among individuals who worked hard to bring them about.
There was still last-minute work to be done, though, and after the dress rehearsal on Friday I ended up staying overnight in San Francisco helping with some computer images for the show. Saturday, along with many other people, I was working on additional details, and finally got a reprieve to go home to change (and shave!). I was given a ride in the back of the Recreational Vehicle of my friend Heidi and her spouse to a BART Station while she and her spouse were going to a shop in downtown San Francisco to pick up some tuxedos for some male escorts who were part of the show. (Be sure to visit Heidi's Little Hide-away).
I finally returned and spent much of the night helping Miki, The Ticket Girl, at the reception table. People just kept coming in--all the way until the Intermission! I was able to take a few minutes away from the table to enjoy the chicken dinner that had been prepared by a caterer. I was able to persuade many people to participate as Debutantes this year, as I had done the previous year. Several thanked me after the show for encouraging them to do that.
The feeling at the show was just awesome! Over 400 people there, all sharing the joy that we have discovered as finally accepting ourselves as transgendered people. Personally, I still can't believe how much I've changed since I nervously walked into that first ETVC Meeting on February 26, 1988, both emotionally and physically. This picture of me taken by Heidi there I think says it better than I can relate in words.
This page last updated: April 05, 2000