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Here you will find when and what we updated, along with some extra.

"I don't like to look at ugly things."- Hotohori

[June's Updates Are In Blue
Crystal Dragon's Updates Are In Orange

4/8: (*waits for June*)...(*narrator comes on and stands next to Crystal Dragon*) Time passes... (*C.D. sits by a phone and stares at it*)... More time passes.... (*C.D. gets angry look and shoves away narrator*) GO AWAY YOU STUPID NARRATOR! If I want a rehearsal of my play, I'll ask for it! I'm just waiting for June so that maybe SHE can update for once... (*time passe- Okay! I can widthstand it! Anyway, there's some more art and a new episode.

4/1: In bad news, I'll be quiting the site because of too much homework and school problems. Sorry people!
(*waits few seconds...*) Okay, so you're not falling for it. April Fools anyway!
There was, of course, a new episode today called "Tracy Get's Bugged". Hmm, so I wonder weather or not Mondo will be able to fix James, Jessie, and Meowth's hair after that scyther fight (Mondo is the one who always helps Jessie and James out of problems like being stuck in their own traps and such).

3/29: HUGE update. We ACTUALLY HAVE STORIES IN THE STORYBOOK SECTION!! YAI!!!! On is by my good friend, Emma, and another by me, C.D. Please, please, PLEEEAAAAASE, go there!

3/26: Couldn't update yesterday since my computer was busted, but I'll get some new art and the new episodes.

3/21: I'd really like to know where June's gone... well, I guess the reason there hasn't been any updating lately is because there hasn't been any new stuff going on.
I'd say that June wants this site to be an anime site, but I keep on going on with Pokemon- which is why I was thinking of building a site of my own, fully dedicated to pokemon, along with a few extra things.
Well, I'll be putting up a story for our empty storybook soon. Come on, people, I'm sure you don't just write Pokemon fanfics all day, right? There's got to be something non-pokemon related!

3/17: Some new art in the illustrationgallery, and a poll at S p r i t e.

3/11: So THAT'S why June wasn't at school yesterday... err- nevermind. Okay, we had Navel Maneuvers (when I first read the title I thought it was Navel Manure for a secend *sweatdrops*), which didn't seem much like a gym battle, and more like a contest for Misty. Now, for all of you who have read Alexandria and my fanfict 'S p r i t e', you'd know that Danny looked a lot like Kyle and he even acted like him! Flirting with Misty like that... except Kyle was actually playing a gig and Misty didn't like him either... so maybe not... Anywho, now we know Ash is jealous! Heheh, happy day for AAMRs!

3/9: Well, don't try and e-mail me Friday or this weekend because I'm going to go to Maryland! That means no updates either. Nikki, if you are reading this, sorry!!!! Maybe next time!!

3/7: I'm sick today, so you can expect a few changes here and there...

3/6: More Pokemon adopted and they're in the news section. Later in the day, I'll get in some new fanart (but that's only if my brother get's off the only computer that has access to the scanner).

3/4: Fanfiction has been updated and Alexandria and my current AAMRN series has been transfered to its own small site, and the series was dubbed S p r i t e.
More art again (sort of). Two new episodes, whith one we thought were not dubbed or something for a little while. We got Shell Shock, which seemed really predictable in my opinion, and speaking of predictable, in The Joy of Pokemon it was really obvious that Magikarp would evolve. Anyway, the episode list was updated.

3/3: More art, but not much.

3/1: More Links. Big thanks to for them. Keep up the good work, Tiger! ^-^

2/26: New episode! YAI!!! Yeesh, I though Misty's psyduck really DID evolve and maybe she wouldn't have that stupid, dumb pokemon on her list.
Well, for other news (if that's what you want to call it) Alexandria's back and now we can work on the little "thing" in the fanfiction section.

2/24: It's about time SOMEBODY updated. Okay, I'm back from New York, but Alexandria is still at that ski resort. No news today, and thank god I didn't miss any new episodes. This is the one time I'm happy that Pokemon had no new episodes last week. Though it's too bad WB will only have ONE new episode this week.

2/19: THANK GOD, I finally got around to adding that fanfict to the gallery. I've been real busy lately with my other site, gomen ~_~. And I've also changed the colors on the main site to normal (woo-hoo!).

2/18: Okay, NOW is the time when I saw goodbye, hasta la vista baby, sayonara, bye-bye, byeeeeeee, see ya... because I'm packing my bags to New York and leaving June's Storybook for... oh, let's see- 4 days? Anywho, Alexandria has also informed me that she's going away as well to a ski resort in which she forgot the name. Well, it IS ski week now, so what do you expect? People are leaving!!!

2/17: Well, I'm sick for a second day (I'm missing the Kabuki theatre at school! ~_~;;), but you can't go sick without drawing something, so there's new fanart in the illustrationgallery (I was REALLY bored!)
Also- happy/sad me. I can't work on the website for the next 4 or 5 days, because on Saturday I'm going to fly over to New York (Yai! Snow! I hope...)! Goodbye June's Storybook, I'll update sometime next week or later! Wait, Saturday isn't for another day... Okay, forget all my goodbyes. ^_^;;

2/14: Happy Valentine's Day! Not an update today, I just wanted to make sure to spread that little message.

2/13: Nothing new today. Just a fanfict. I'm trying to wrap up the first chapter of my fic, but it's not going so well.

2/12: Well, me being me, I overslept and missed the "pink" episode, but I guess I'm glad since I hate the color pink. Although I did stay up to see Boat Fight and must say that the woman who did Raichu's voice should probably shift her voice a little less so it's not as cackley (is that a word?).
I'll also be working on adding a few illistrations and of course, the Episode Guide, where I might get some screenshots from lost episodes.

I added a new fanfict in the gallery, that's all for me. Don't worry, C. Dragon, I missed that episode too. But I always miss episodes of Pokemon.. ~_~

2/9: A new fanfict and poem. Once again, more fanficts converted. ~_~ And I'm still working on that move to anime domain. Oy!

2/7: More new stuff today too. I don't have much time to chat, gotta work on them there fanficts! Hopefully I can just get it over with soon enough.

2/6: BIG update today. I'm working on perfecting each section of the 'Book, including the Pokemon Fanfiction one. That means changing all the files to html. Won't that be fun? ~.~
Well, while you go do that, June, I'll be adding more links and making a description of some lost episodes.

2/5: Yai! More then one new episode of Pokemon-goodness today!
Today I'm making a Chinese New Year resolution (if there is such a thing). I'M GOING TO ACTUALLY CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS AT JUNE'S STORY BOOK! It's about time I get off my lazy arse to add a few graphix and change the layout of the page. Well, happy v-day!
Yup- we had 3 new episodes of Pokemon- Fit to be Tide, Pikachu Re-volts, and The Crystal Onix. In Pikachu Re-volts, we actually got to see Cassidy and "Buutch", as James mistakenly called him. ::Sigh:: I really wish they'd come up with a new voice actor for Butch!!!
I'll try and get some room this weekend for me to write those lost episode descriptions.

2/4: Happy International Monkey Day! In celebration I've added some java to the frames section. Enjoy!

2/3: Big update today! I'm trying to get JSB (June's Story Book) a new URL, and I managed to get But I just started moving the site. In the meanwhile, enjoy the URL Ciao!

2/2: I know, I'm sorry! I haven't been working on the lost episode descriptions! It's those darn Matrioska rehearsals I have to do (8th grade band- too hard! Why do they have to mix 7th with 8th?). But, alas, I have no free will and must trudge myself to the High School theatre at 6:15 PM, sit in that stupid "pit", and play those stupid songs... In the time I have (which includes hurrying with homework...) I'll try and post up the descriptions (you should know that they're in the episode guide section...).

2/1: New section. Web Page Tips, check it out!

1/31: I'm sure ya know what I updated today, it's not something you can really miss. I'm sorry I can't type much, I've got a lot of hw. (*groan*)

1/30:Well, nothing is new today. I'll continue writing descriptions for those lost and new episodes. Oh, and there's a new fanfic by me and Alexandria in the fanfiction section.
Some may be wanting to know why Alexandria isn't puting up any ratings for "your" or "the" fanfics. This is because she is reading them, recording the rating, and will post them all at once when she feels the time is right. Does this make any sense to you?

1/29: HAPPY 3,000 HITS!!
Ahhh and what a wonderful 3,000 hits that is! Have a great weekend everyone, and a happy 3,000+ hits!
Too bad there wasn't a new episode today- but next weekend there's going to be a whole 3 new episodes of Pokemon! I hope, though, that while I'm gone I don't miss anything, since I'll be in New York sometime in February- and if I do, I AM GOING TO WATCH EVERY REPEAT UNTIL IT GETS TO THAT EPISODE. I have to leave for the plane right when the show starts -_-;;. But that's not until late next month.
Well, when I was making the Episode list, I was feeling kind of lazy and didn't right any sort of description of each episode- anticipating people have seen them and wouldn't need it. Well, guess what- I still am! Okay- I'm just kidding. Well, I just so happen to run into several spoilers on the net, and I'll be writing despcriptions of episodes that were not aired, or haven't been aired yet. But if you don't want a spoil- don't read!

1/28: A lot of new stuff today! Along with the whole "music on everypage" thing I'm working on, I'm also getting the bugs out of some of the things around the 'Book.

1/27: A bunch of great anime MIDI's up! Well I'm in a good mood today, after all I get out at 12:40 tommorrow. ^________^

1/23: (*sigh*) I'm sort of in the in-school blues. Although I'm out of my finals week (horror week), now is the 2nd semester and I've got a whole batch of teachers to deal with (except for core and music... I still have the same teachers). The horrors of Mr. Zedaker (used to be a science teacher, but poored acid down a drain. Now he's a P.E. teacher), Mr. Metcalf (Dun dun DUUUUUUUN- Math), and Ms. Gielow (Isn't she that petite little science teacher?)...

1/22: New episode today! We finally got to see Kenji/Tracy join up with Ash in Misty, of course, in a very -err- strange way. And Ash "caught" a Lapras! Now the main characters will sale around the Orange Archipelago on Lapras, to compete in the Orange League.. or crew... or whatever they want to call it ^_^;;.
I knew I would hate Tracy! Ugh.. he is soooo ANNOYING! Well.. I did a whole mess of stuff today, including joining this webring:
I Love Pandas :: Get a Panda for your site!

1/21: Well.. I'm sure it's obvious what I did to update the page. Please tell me if you like the new colors or not, there isn't a contrast with the background and font anymore. My teacher is always blabbing on and on about having the colors clash whenever we do powerpoint presentations, so maybe some of her nagging to the whole class finally surfaced to someone. ^_^
Well, I redid most of the site until I had to go to art class and half of it was left as the same colors.

1/19: A new fanfict in the gallery. And guess who it's done by? Me! That's right! I have FINALLY written something after that devastating event where ALL my Pokemon fanficts were deleted. *Sniff*. Well, it's about time, isn't it?

1/17: Waaahh.. the short time causes this to be a tight, small update but what the hey. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend, it's off to school tomorrow. *sigh*

1/16: Just a couple things to say. For one thing, in the illustration gallery there's a new pic, and then there's something that might interest those who have heard "Misty's Song" only on your computer and not the CD (since you might be able to hear it clearer on the CD).
Okay, we all know that in the song her voice is really screwed up- well, maybe she's just remembering a song she heard a long time ago. When the song fades away, you might have heard this little weird whisper going "irvyu" or something like that. Turn up the volume enough and it's Misty whispering to Ash "I love you." So that means Ash didn't wake up to the song, he just woke up from her whisper! Besides that, I doubt a bunch of backup singers would pop out and sing along with her in the middle of the night.

1/15: Hey, everybody! Well, it seems that Brock has finally left the building and probably won't come back for a long time (Ehh, it was the Jolt League, wasn't it?). We're rid of the "Who's gonna leave?" commercials, but now it's "Who's gonna join?". Well, I'll let you all find out (can't spoil it for those who don't know!) for yoursleves. Now, one thing bothers me: did you ever notice how the episode titles have NOTHING to do with what happens in the show? Today had "Pokéball Peril" and yet, the whole thing was more about Prof. Ivy, Brock, and how TR thought Ash and Misty were in love (and they were blushing!). I think that now all the AAMRs are cheering and the non-AAMRs are crying with what TR said about Ash and Misty. Hehe.. ::cough::proof! proof!::cough::*Ahem*

1/14: Not the biggest update in the world, but it'll do. ~_~

1/12: WANTED!!!! If you want to work for a website and get your own about me section, please contact us! It doesn't matter who you are, you can apply! So don't hesitate to e-mail us, we are open and flexible.
And since my scanner's back up, I put up a new pic in the illustration gallery.

1/10: There are new pics in the illustration gallery.

1/9: Well, nothing really new for the site. Although you may have already heard, there will soon be Team Rocket pokemon cards, but they are FAKE.
Also, we all know there is a Pokemon Stadium, along with a Pokemon Stadium 2 in Japan. They're even working on Pokemon Stadium 3! Well, here in America, we haven't even gotten a first Stadium. Well, there has been news that it will be out soon with the date unkown right now. Below is what the package will probably look like.
YAI!!  Pokemon Stadium!  Grab a friend and battle in full 3D!

I've also updated here and there. *Sigh* Sometimes I feel so behind living in America when it comes to anime. Heck, for all I know Japan might see a Pokemon Movie 3 in the not so distant future.. ~_~
Actually, they are right now!

1/8: There isn't wrong with going to other fanfiction sites, it's just that ours is worth taking a look at, since all the stories there are really good. Anywho, there was a new episode today, which was SUPPOSED TO HAVE BROCK LEAVE, but it was only "A Scare in the Air". You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize how Misty and Jessie's voices are a little too similar. They are by the same voice actress, but they shouldn't sound the same. And Ash's voice is getting too high. My god, even a girl can make her voice go lower then that; it looks like Ash is going backwards through puberty or something. Satoshi's voice is a lot better, though.
Well, getting off the subject of voice acting, there's some new fanart by Alex, and some new fanfiction by me and Alex!

|1/7: Lot's of new stuff today. =) I hope you like what I did with the main page, you won't believe how long it took me.
Ahh, anipike is once again taking requests. I hope this time they don't COMPLETELY ignore mine, I really need those hits! I mean, WE really need those hit, all the more reason!
One more thing, that poem on the main page isn't completely irrelevant to the page, it actually is a great intro. for a fanfiction page. I don't see any other fanfiction sites doing that, HAHAHAHA! Sorry, I get touchy when it comes to competition. In other words, stay away from other fanfiction sites! They are eeeevil I tell you! Eeeeeeevil! =) Joking.. only kidding..

|1/3:Ehh, that's nice, June, but you really don't have to say that. Anyway, my computer went crazy in the middle of my uploading a poem and some artwork, so don't be surprised if you see the site didn't have an update when there was something added over in a section (e.g. Poetry Corner).|

|1/2: I finally typed up those Pokemon Articles, and boy, will you be amazed!! Please go see them now!
Oh, by the way. Did you know that Disney has a habit of ripping-off anime? And thank you Cheiri for showing me a very disturbing thing in Aladin that makes me want to boycott Disney FOREVER. It's so sick! I can't believe they put that in a CHILDREN'S SHOW! And I also heard that in the Lion King when Simba jumps into the sand a vulgar word is written in the cloud of dirt he creates, and in one scene the stars in the sky spell out another vulgar word.
Weeeeelp, gotta go! Bye!

|1/1: Happy New Year, everybody! Well now, it seems our computers are still up and running, so don't have to worry about that.
Now, I have yet to see a new episode on WB! The fact there wasn't any last week either is bad enough! They also keep having these annoying comercials about who's going to be leaving Pokemon. Well, we should all know who the person is (to those who don't, I won't tell!), since it's been out all over the net for quite a while. Though did you know this hold up of him leaving is also holding up Ash's competitions for the Orange League, in which we are all itching to watch.
Also, I just put up a new link (yes, just one).

Weee! I'm back! Sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I was in the middle of a PARTY!! ^-^ For more info. from my friends and I, visit the message board. ^-^ See ya there!|

|12/29: Two big things for today! First of all, If you would look at our empty Poetry section- it's not empty anymore. Alexandria made a little poem, and I hope you're in the mood to read it.
For another thing, we finally got some fanart sent by somebody other then me, Alex, Jenny (her's doesn't work), photos of sculptures from an ad (how pathetic to list that here), and June (hers doesn't work too). Go check it out in the illustration gallery!|

|12/28: Okay, there's nothing today but I made some fanfics and put them in the pokemon fanfiction section. Hope you enjoy them! ^o~|

12/27: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ME! I'm updating from a tiny AOL box in Orlando, and it's real awful. ~_~ So sorry, but I have to go. Plus it's soooo hard to type in this thing. Bejos, Chow! ^_~
Happy birthday, June! Too bad you don't have much of a computer. Well, I guess she already put up what's new today, except I put some cool pics in the illustration gallery. Go see! Go see!|

|12/26: I know, I'm updating awfully late today. Well, nothing is new, but I adopted a mystery egg and the link to see it is in the news section. Go see, it's very pretty!|

|12/25: Well it's too bad she had to leave us for a while, so I'll be managing solo for now. At least she didn't miss any new episodes since today was all REPEATS. Ack, they probably want to keep Brock on the show for as long as they can, but at the same time they're holding up Ash's quest for the Orange League. Well, they had that Christmas special for those who missed it the first time, unless you were too busy opening up presents (not me, Hanukkah was over a long time ago- I already got my present ^-^). Well, since it's just too darn cheery around today, I'll be logging off the site for a while. I wish you a Merry Christmas (Happy Hanukkah even though it's over) and a Happy New Pokemon (I'll be saying that again when it really IS next year)!|

|12/24: WAAAA!!!! This will be *my* last update for a while with Florida and all. Sorry, but my mom said we'd be too busy for a laptop ~_~.
I celebrated Christmas a day early, and boy was it nice. I sat on my one-year-old cousin's Blue's Clues chair, indulged in the piney fragrance of the Christmas tree, and chewed on a big hunk of chocolate while listening to Christmas music and talking with family members. In fact, I still have the chocolate! (*Waves in front of screen*) Mmmmm... ^-^
I wish you all a Very Merry X-mas with plenty of Chocolate to go around (Hehe ^.^). And I'll see everyone in about a week or so. Chow!|

|12/23: Okay, there's nothing new today, but there are some new photos in the gallery. Just to let you know, they are not paintings, they are photographs that I scanned from an ad.|

12/21: In case you don't know, I will be going to Florida on Saturday and stay there 'till the 31st. That means I'll be spending my Birthday (the 27th of December) and Christmas in sunny ol' Orlando. Yeah, I've been to Florida before. But I still haven't been to Orlando!
Gee.. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT DARN SCRIPT ERROR THAT KEEPS POPPING UP ON THE MAIN PAGE? We don't have many scripts on the main page, so what is it? I went on the main page using AOL and some of the pictures wouldn't show, but then when you reloaded the page they usually would show. And sometimes the music wouldn't play and the little message saying the browser couldn't load the music would show, and other times the message wouldn't show and the music would play just fine. Some of the links even decided to break on occasion, but they would always fix themselves! My advice to you people: BAN AOL! AOL MUST DIE! The mail account is great, but there are so many downsides it's not worth it. Plus you can download AOL Instant Messenger for FREE! AND even if you can't download it, Microsoft Instant Messenger is better anyway!!!

Welp, I'm done with my rant. I'm going to update the page, bye!
Awe, well I'll be missin' ya, June! Anyway, I put up another little fanfic I made yesterday. Chow!|

|12/20: Ahh, while it's winter vacation I get to sit back and relax now. Alex and I finally finished the third chap of "Sprites, Fairies, and... Love?". It was cut short since it already built up to 21 pages, and we couldn't posibley fit in another side plot or it'd go over 60 pages, and nobody wants to read a 60 page chapter, right? Well, enjoy! We'll have a lot more fanfics comming!|

|12/19: Well, nothing is new for today. Sunday is always "nothing day". The only thing new for today is an... "okay"... picture that Alex made.
I also updated! But I agree, Sunday *is* a "nothing" type day.

|12/18: Well, nothing new is happening in the site, but today there was a new episode! Today was "Snow Way Out!". It was kind of sappy, but at least now we knowwhere they got those scenes for some of the "Pikachu's Jukebox" songs (like we didn't know that already). It makes me wonder where Indago Island is exactly located (Well, I know it's not real, but if it was...). One episode it looks like they're in the middle of a heat wave, and the next thing you see is them in a snowstorm. I guess they aren't exactly near the equator, yet for it to get so hot, they WOULD be near the equator, or is it just because they're near some volcanos? I'll let you people decide.
That raises the question if it is humid or not. ^_^
Oh my gawd! I was watching the part in today's episode where Jessie talked about that "special" snow food she would have every winter, and I remembered this time about 4 months ago when someone had said that was going to happen. At first I didn't belive he/she because it seemed to sappy to be true. Well I was wrong.
Today's anime movie SUCKED so if you missed it don't be sad.|

|12/15: More new stuff, including episodes listed in the episodes section.  Oh and of course, music.
I wish June would stop getting the date wrong- anyway, I added a little pic of Misty in the illustration gallery and I made a profiles page for those who are confused with the characters.|

|12/13: Hmm.. now which Pokemon Fanfict should I rate today? Meh.. I'll just take my pic.
How many of you like the new images I've added? No, the Dratini Pic and that awesome Shayla-Shayla screen shot will be back, I just figured I might do something different for the Holidays.|

|12/12: Can you believe when some ppl update they say they updated one day in advance on PURPOSE?
C.D., please dont ever wander into the topic of beds EVER AGAIN! Its just plain disturbing..
Today I added more music! Yai! And I'm trying to change the colors of the News section, they are UGLY.|

|12/11: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! For today's anime movie they have Tenchi The Movie!!! Aside from the fact that I've already seen it about a million times, but it's a HUGE spoiler for those who haven't seen very much of the Tenchi TV shows.
I was thinking in the episode list we could put a short description. That would take a lot of time but it would be nice.
Oh and remember everyone, we want POKEMON poems. I got a few Non-Pokemon ones. But we do accept non-pokemon fanfiction. That's what the Story Book section is for.
I'm dying to make our site nice and solid by moving all our accounts to Spree or somewhere else with unlimited space, but that would be too confusing.
Is it just me or did today's episode of Pokemon suck big time? I mean, I love the holiday spirit, even if it's corney and all, but I HATE special holiday episodes of ANYTHING. But COME ON! The Jynx and the bad V.A. of that santa crossed the line.
Well, thanks to me, I fixed the spelling mistake of "Jynx" (not "Jinx") and the date June typed up here. Geez, June, we don't live on the other side of the earth! It's not the 12th yet
A-hem, anyway, I was expecting there to be 2 new episodes of Pokemon, but Special 2 is going to be next weekend. Yes, that voice of Santa was terrible! But not as kowaii(not "kawaii", "kowaii" means horrible) as Butch's dubbed voice (Cello being smashed on the floor while person talks. Put then together and you have Butch's dubbed voice! ^_^). And what very disturbing thing did we see in Holiday Hi-Jynx? The fact that Jessie, James, AND Meowth were all in the same bed! It's a bad version of Make Room for Gloom (As I heard, Misty was sleeping in Ash's bed. At least not with a pokemon in the center)!
Now, I have to talk to June about not telling me she was going to put up that pic of the 3D Pikachu...

|12/10: (*yawn*) This is the first time in a while I update in the morning, but I doubt it makes a diffents to you the readers.
Darn anipike! They have that stupid downform again! I submitted while it was up and for some reason they ignored my submission. The nerve of those people! I waited 2 months!
Well ANYWAY, I am starting this music thing by putting music on everypage. C.D., I wonder what you want for your about me section.. (same goes for Hikaru)|

|12/09: Ok, everyone go to the About Me section and Links NOW!! Hehe.. |

|12/09: Hehe.. I'm updating from school. More later, gotta go!
(*Shakes head slowly*) June, stop making a fool of yourself in front of all the people that go here. Well, I suppose she would have more if it wasn't time for her to go. We'll see what she has to say once she gets home (and what a long walk it is)
*Pant pant* HEY! I had to walk home! Well lemme just pick up where I left off. We have another sister site, PLEASE go to the Links page to see it. Also, I am sorting out the ratings in the Pokemon Fanfiction page as well as adding my own.|

|12/05: Nothing new today except a pic that Alex did, which was added in the illustration gallery. Go see! Go see! ^_~
I also updated today. And well frankly, also very little. Well if you wanted me to update then e-mail me your fanfiction! ^.^
Oh, and C.D.? Ash BETTER come back for his Pidgeot because if he doesn't I'm going to jump into the TV screen and separate that Pidgeot from his unfaithful master! Er.. well.. not really.. but still! Ash can't let that Pidgeot go, he already gave up Primeape and Butterfree. (Which I am STILL mad at, by the way!)|

|12/04: Hello, all! There was a new episode today! We had some minor stuff, and some major stuff in there. Well, it started out as a party, as the title had explained, but half the show was about Fearow and Pidgeotto/Pideot. I am SOOOOOOO mad at Ash! Right after Pidgeotto evolves he LEAVES IT!! Lets at least HOPE he'll come back later.
Now, did anybody notice that commercial after the show? It seems they never showed "Holiday Hi-Jynx" because they were saving it for Christmas. Well, you can expect some of Ash's pokemon aren't evolved yet. Plus, Misty won't have Togepi ~_~;;. Well, that may not be a loss to some since I know a few people don't like Togepi for some reason (no names!).
Oh, and if you own a Pokemon site and need the names for an Episode Guide, I made a small Episode List!|

|12/01/99: Sorry peoples, but I HAD to delete the updates. They were taking up WAY to much space and I have to make this page easier to load. I also got this code that takes away ALL the adds on your page!! ^-^ If you want it, you can e-mail me! Welp, I'm off! C~ya!|

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