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august.31.99-A bio CD
While I was on my vacation I found this Bio CD of Britney.It had 8 tracks with interviews and such.It was only 13.99$ at the Wherehouse.The cover had her singing in Wango-Tango.The Wango-Tango caps are in the Pictures Section.

august.31.99-used cds
Since I was going to alot of malls...and going out alot I decided to see how many used britney cds i can find.just to see if anyone really hated the cd.I went to about 20 cd stores..mostly wherehouses...and found NO used cds of BRITNEY!!it was very cool!

august.31.99-New Site released the link to the Britney Spears Japanese site.Click here to see it.

august.31.99-Japanese CD
I found the Japenese CD import at the Wherehouse for 30$.It has 6 unrealeased songs on it.Including 2 diffrent versions of baby one more time,Deep In my heart,i will never stop loving you,and more!Also a calendar for 12.99$ is sold also!

august.31.99-is it true!
on page 55 of Teen People.there is a picture of Nsync on a rollar seems that JC is holding hands with a looks just like BRITNEY!Could it be??JC is like i think 23.And Britney is only 17!!

Christy from BSNET writes to me-
A top-flight musical lineup pitches in to help people affected by the Columbine High School shotings. Artists at the concert taped Aug. 9 include 'N Sync, Britney Spears, 98 Degrees, B*Witched, Christina Aquilera, Tyrese, 702 and Wild Orchrid. Performers donated their fees to help Littleton, Colo., families with medical bills (totaling more than $13 million) they're facing in the wake of the deadly rampage. The program includes performance footage from the 20,000-seat amphitheater outside San Diego that hosted the concert; backstage visits with the artists; and celebrity interviews. Bill Belamy (MTV Jams) is the host. (2:00)

I got that from a book (sorta) called TV Guide Ultimate Satellite

august.31.99-summer countdown
I wasnt able to see the end of the summer countdown on MTV cause I was to bust having fun but someone told me that Sometimes was #5.

More on TRL(August 15th)

Ok I just looked at the TRL Calendar at MTV.Com.It says that Britney's video was supposed to premire last Tues!Well they are a little late!!Check out the calendar Here

Saw even more Britney(August 15th)

Hey I went to the mall yesterday and found all the Britney Spears books.They were all at Sam Goody.There are 4 of them.One is called Backstage Pass,True Brit,and the others are just called "Britney Spears".I just wanted to tell you that cause alot of you have been asking where to buy them without having to buy them over the internet.

E! Special(August 15th)

There was a special on the ex-mouseketeers on E! with of course Britney,Justin,JC and Christina.I belive they will be repeating it this weekend.I dont have any times.If you do E-mail me

Britney on Dawsons Creek(August 15th)

I got a e-mail from a guy and he said that Britney will be on Dawsons Creek sometime this Ocotober????I am not sure.I was only told by one person.But there is a poll at Keyword:Britney (For AOL USERS ONLY) about who you think is going to be with Britney.

Britney on Ricki(August 15th)

Ok I didnt see Ricki Lake today.I was told Britney was supposed to be on it.But I was to busy with my webring. Did anyone see it??If so please E-mail me with a review!

OK just a little info!(August 15th)

As you read I was at the mall yesterday and I saw the worker putting posters in the poster holder thing so people can see it.Well they were putting in a Britney Spears one and the girl like totally was dissin her.She was like crumbling the poster and like stuffin it in the holder making Britney look like a old women!She was a well I wont say what I think but you get my drift.

Yesterday on TRL And Ricki!(August 14th)

Yesterday on TRL Britney's Choregrapher.....I cant SPELL IT!But its the guy that designs her dance moves was on TRL yesterday and made some comments on Britney.He said that Britney And Jordan were people that didnt nee help with any special dancing and said they are very professional.Britney was reaired today.I never saw it ever.So I didnt get any caps.So if any one wants to donate please E-mail me

Britney on ET and Loveline(August 14th)

Ok Britney was on ET yesterday.I forgot to watch it again!!!What luck I have!thanks to Jenna.Oh yea and She was mentioned on Loveline.Ricky Rachman was talking about how Britney looked hot in one of her videos and how he wished she was a few years older.Thanks Jenna for that piece of news

More than 50 Pics!(August 14th)

I found over 50 Pictures of Britney at!Click here for a direct link.Most of the images are on this site.There are just a couple that are rare.

Which Date?(August 14th)

\ It seems that people have been giving me diffrent dates to when the Crazy Video will premire.Someone said the 17th and another person said the 15th?Well I think you should just keep on voting cause it seems that know one really knows.

Yahoo Auction(August 11th) Hey alot of you have been wondering where I have been getting the Britney Dollar,Clock and such.Well there are alot more including a screen saver which is no where else is at the main page there are a few links to auctions.Click on the Britney Spears one.There are also Blair Witch and BSB stuff there.What are you waiting for?Start your bids!

MTV.Com(August 11th)

Hey Holly found this interveiw about Christina.One of the questions was how do you seperate yourself from people like Britney Spears.Her answer was"well i am a fan of Britney Spears....but im not britney and she is not me".Another question was "what is in your Walkman now?"She said"Limp Bizkit".And I say she rox!Cause I think limp is pretty cool.And I think that she has alot of courage to say that.Caues Limp Bizkit is a totally diffrent band!!Click here to see the whole interveiw.

Britney is getting tense(August 11th)

Britney says before concerts she gets very nervous because her Idols like Madonna,BabyFace Mariah and more are at her concert.Just a bit of info I wanted to post.

TV Guide(August 11th)

Ok I someone told me that Britney was at went there and cant find her anywhere!So if you can find it for me please E-mail me

Not yet confirmed(August 11th)

OK I said a few days ago that Britney and Justin were on the cover of a mag together.Now I am hearing that they were kissing?¿Well I dont think this is true.And I really dont want to recive e-mail about boy bands.Cause if they are going out with someone they must really luv that person.I dont think you should get mad or anything.This has nothing to do with Britney and Justin.

Do you think they will do it?(August 11th)

Hey this is just something I wanted to ask you Britney Fans.Alot of sites have been asking thier visitors to send e-mail or call up to request them in a mag.Well I just wanted to know what you think about this.Cause its very weird since these sites are mainly "FAN" pages not company pages.E-mail me

Britney Spears Magazine and Japan Album(August 10th)

Hey I got this scan of a mag just about Britney here.I also found this unsual pic of Britney here.I also got a scan of Britney's Japenese Album.Here is the cover.And here is the back.

Britney Dollar and Clock(August 10th)

I found a Britney Dollar!!Click Here to see it!!I also got this Britney Clock Here.If anyone is interested in the clock please E-mail me

Some sad News(August 10th)

It seems that Britney was #2 on TRL yesterday!!I guess some people just didnt care!!Oh well now we have to get Crazy #1.Holly made a graphic picture in the ads section of this page.Click it to VOTE for Britney.NOW! Sorry about Fan Land not being updated!I updated it.I picked a NEW Fan of the Month.I really want people to JOIN my banner exchange so they cang et more hits.cause I am getting to many e-mails about it.

Britney Mentioned on MTV Special(August 10th)

Yesterday Britney was metioned on the WWF Special MTV was having.This guy asked Carson if he liked Britney.And he said"Shes ok".In my opinion I think Carson hates Britney.E-mail me with your thoughts.

Britney Reveiw.(August 10th)

I got a Britney Concert Reveiw!Remember I am not saying this is a True reveiw.But I am not saying it is.So if you having any thoughts on any reviews please e-mail the person that sent it in.thanks

Place & Date - Six Flags Over Texas in Dallas, TX on Aug. 6th, 1999
Seat - Sec. V. Row K seat 5 (These seats sucked, but I was running up and down the whole concert so I could get good pictures, so I saw her pretty good.)
What was Britney wearing? - She changed outfits like 5 times. First she wore some white leather pants with a pink leather top, then she wore this short white dress while she sang Vogue and when she finished singing Vogue she tore the dress off and was wearing black leather shorts with a black leather top then she wore these khaki pants with a white shirt and then she changed into her school girl uniform. She looked so HOT!!!!!
What was your favorite part? - She waved at me while I was running towards the front to take a picture.
What did you like the most? - Watching Britney
What did you hate the most? - I hated having to wait 4 1/2 hours to get into the theater and then having t wait another 3 hours before she got on to sing. I also hated when Michael Fredo took his shirt off!!! That Sucked!!!
Any other comments? - I Love Britney!!!

Wrong Movie Name(August 10th)

I was informed by Jenna that Melissa Joan Hart's new movie is not called "Next to you" but is called "Drive me Crazy"!!And that the soundtrack should be out on September 28th.And the new Crazy song that Britney sings in her Video "(you drive me)Crazy" should be on it!

Rude Joke(August 10th)

Smash Mouth was on TRL today.And when Carson said they were retiring Britney...this smash mouth guy said that "Yea lets get those Implants out of here".very very rude!

A New Somtimes Single!!!(August 9th)

Hey I found 2 diffrent sometimes singles at this music store called"WavsMusic".One was Japanese and the other one was english but wasnt the cover that I had on mine!It was yellow and blue!And mine was white!!How weird!!Well they are 12.99$ each.So I am trying to get that much money to buy them so I can scan them.If anyone would like to donate that would be cool!

Britney Secrets!(August 9th)

In the new mag "Twist" Britney is on the cover(Pics of that are in the pics section).Anyway I heard that there are some revealing secrets of her in it.I would really not know since I didnt get the mag I got the cover from I really dont know!!But I would really check it out!

A mag with Brit and Justin?(August 9th)

I saw this mag called "Teen Boppers".And it had Britney and Justin on the cover like really close.I dont think this was a photo shoot.I just think that the editor of the mag wants Justin and Brit some what together.Cause there are juicy articles in there I was skiming through about them.I didnt buy the mag cause I had no money on me at the time but I will when I get the chance.If anyone takes the mag or has it please send me some info and scans!!

Inside Edition(August 9th)

There was a thing on Britney on Inside Edition a few days ago.It was negative toward her though.They said that she should'nt be getting implants at that age and stuff.

Fox Family Countdown(August 9th)

It seems that Britney's Dancers "TJ" and "Nick" were on the fox family countdown.They were showing the host dance moves.Although TJ and Nick did great.The host didnt do as well!

ET's Coverage of the Teen Choice Awards (August 7th)

Hey got some caps of ET's Coverage of the Teen Choice Awards!!!And if you wrent here yesterday.....I got some Exclusive Pics of The Teen Choice awards from a Friend that went!!So I got a whole bunch of Teen Choice Awards stuff.And it hasnt even been aired!LOL!Go to the pictures section to see the pics!!

Please Vote Vote Vote!!(August 7th)

OK Britney's Video "Sometimes" is retiring on MONDAY.Thats a few days away!We got to get her at #1 on TRL!!please Click here to vote for her!!Vote more than once!

Britney Spears VS Christina Aguilera!(August 7th)

Thanks to Holly.There seems to be a Fued between Christina And Britney at teen people online!!Clicik here to vote Britney!Although I like Christina alot.But oh well....Britney is losing big time so lets have her catch up a little!

Britney Stuff(August 7th)

Hey if you havent checked out Britney's offcail store what are you waiting for!!It has Calendars,Posters,Magnets,Neckalaces,Apparal,And so so so much more!!Click here!!

Dedicated Song(August 7th)

It seems that Pennywise dedicated a song to the perfect people like the BSB,and Britney.At a warped tour date.Well I heard it was quite funny!Well whatver!!I dont really like Pennywise!!

Made a Mistake!(August 7th)

Sorry yesterday I said Jay Leno was making fun of Britney about her clothing line.But it seems it was about a Britney doll that is going to be made and he said "Although the Breasts are sold seperatly".Well I thought I just wanted to fix that up!

Silicon CD Award(August 7th)

Britney won a Silicon CD Award.Her album " one more time" advanced into the Top 10 played cds on computers in the world!!And just a note-Britney also is #10 on the most looked at web sites!!I dont think any boy bands were in the top 10!Sorry!

4th Letter!(August 7th)

The fourth letter to the Joey/Britney contest is "s".Ok you should all know it by now!LOL!

The Third Letter(August 6th)

As you know I have been giving you some clues to the Britney and Joey contest.well I got the third letter for you!The third letter is"C".

Mentioned on E!(August 6th)

I saw Britney on E!They were talking about Tommy Hilfiger.About how lucky she was to be sponesered. Oh yea and if you any of you guys have any concert reviews please send them to me

Yet Another Late Night joke..but by the guest!(August 6th)

Amy-Jo Johnson (Co-star of Felicity)was a guest of the Late Show with Craig Kilborn...she said that VH1 is better than MTV...then she said "Its because MTV plays Britney Spears".Then the audience booed or something and she tryed to save her self by saying whatever,well whatever to her too!

OMG I missed it!(August 6th)

It seems that I missed Access Hollywood yesterday!If anyone has any caps of it please please please send them on over to me.You will get full credit no matter what!

MTVAsia!(August 6th)

MTVasia has recently posted up some answers of some questions Britney was asked recently Click here to see them!

Jay Leno Joke(August 6th)

Thanks to Holly.About a night ago Jay Leno was talking about how Britney is getting her own clothing line.And he said"Do Implants come with it".I think thats pretty stupid!It isnt even funny.

Brit on the Veiw...a repeat(August 5th) Britney's repeat today on the veiw is a repeat.So for you that havent seen it watch it.And I got caps of it.So go check it out in the pictures section.

Please Vote(August 5th)

Please vote for Britney on TRL...she will be retired on Monday,August 9th.So please keep on voting so she becomes #1.The link is in the ads section of this page.

MTV.COM(August 5th)

You can now go to MTV.COM and vote for who you think is going to win the MTV Video Awards.So go to" For more info.AOL users can just go to keyword "MTV".There is also a chat room there so you can chat with other MTV Vewiers.

Howard Stearn joke(August 5th)

I really dont like talking about Howard Stearn cause this is a rated "G" Site and he i rated "NC17"so all Im going to say is that he say stuff about Britney.....well I dont want to say.But he did say that he liked Britney's song " one more time".But I think he was just joking.

The Disney Contest(August 5th)

Well if you were trying to win a ticket to the Disney Concert with Britney and Joey I got some clues for you.The first letter is "M" and the second letter is "I".Try to win Here

New Version of Crazy(August 4th)

Well alot of you have been telling me about the new version of crazy.Well I never saw it!So thats why I didnt get caps cause I didnt tape it or anything.I have heard that there is more of Mellisa Joan Hart in it.But thats all.If you have info or any caps of it please E-mail me

The Jay Leno Thing(August 4th)

Sorry about the Jay Leno thing.I got aleast like 50 e-mails about Britney not being on Jay Leno on August 2nd.Well I posted on my site that it wasnt definate.So I dont want peopel getting mad at me.Sorry about it though.I just thought cause alot of people said she was.Well that just tells us we cant belive everything we hear even if everyone says it.

Britney on Sabrina(August 4th)

I have been informed that Britney will be filming on Sabrina the Teenage witch tommorw.

E!(August 4th)

On the show "Hot Young Hollywood Britney Spears was #5 in the Hottest Babes.Im not suprised.Seth Green was #1 in the hunks.And Katie Holmes was #1 in the hottest babes.

San Francisco Signing and Pokemon(August 4th)

There are some exclusive pics of a autograph signing I found.Please Click here to see it.Dont steal any of the pics!!And says that "Why listen to Britney when you can jam to the Pokemon soundtrak".Click here to see the article.

Teen Choice Awards Review(August 3rd) My friend Holly went to the Teen Choice Awards!And she was so nice enought to give us a whole review.Click here to see her whole review.If you dont belive her she has proof!Click here to see the ticket stub!

Rumors(August 3rd)

Im sick of all these dumb rumors being e-mailed to me.Britney is NOT Pregnant.Britney doesnt have staples in her stomach!Britney didnt have sex with Justin Timberlake or any of the members of the Wu-Tang Clan.I think these rumors are pretty dumb.

Vote MTV Awards(August 3rd)

The MTV Music awards will be on September 9th at 8:00 PM EST.Britney was nominated in 3 categories.Please vote 4 her Here

Disney Concert(August 3rd)

Britney will be preforming at a Disney Concert with Joey Joey Mcintyre.Well there is a contest where you can win a trip to go there.Please click here for more info Closed(August 3rd)

It seems that is closing.Britney's lawyers where going to sue the guy who owned it if he didnt give it away.Cause Edrive didnt want they couldnt get cause had it.It sux cause my link was at that site on the top of the list.And I thought that is why my site is getting alot of hits.Oh well.I think Edrive are very mean people.

New E-mail Account(August 3rd)

There is a Britney Spears Mailing account that you can join!Go to- to get a free mailing account!They say if they get enough people to join they will change it to

Britney on Twist and Single falls(August 1st)

Britney is on the cover of the mag "Twist" Click here to see the cover.I will be adding more pics from it.and the article soon.Britney's single falls from #11 to #13

Jay Leno..repeat(August 1st)

Sorry but it looks like the Jay Leno show on August 2nd will be a repeat.BUT watch it anyway just in case.

Vote Britney!(August 1st)

Please vote Britney on TRL!!There is a link in the ads section on this page.So please vote!And vote for Britney in the Top Artists of the Century thing.Click here to vote!

YM and Vibe(August 1st)

I have heard that Britney will be mentioned in the YM and Vibe Mag.Also a new mag called "Entertainmenteen"

News Archive-

August 1999/ September 1999/ October 1999/ November 1999 /December 1999