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the most recent news is on the main page,click home above to see it.if there is a day that isnt on the main page you want to see...its probably here.or i just couldnt update.

9.30.99-Britney #1 again!
OMG!I cant belive Britney beat all the boy bands!She beat 3!!If you count Blink 182 as a Boy Band than thats 4!She went all the way to the top!Lets see if she can keep this up!Keep on voting. P.S-Vote for bush too!hehe.

9.30.99-How many got it?
I got the YDMC soundtrack the day it was out.It rox!!Also in the booklet there is a ad for the Britney Spears Video due to come out on VHS and DVD on 11-23-99 2 days right after my b-day!.Its called "Time out with Spears".Get the soundtrack to see the pic in it!

I found a link to the yahoo! transcript!Click Here!

9.30.99-Teen People
Britney is featured in small parts of the October issue of Teen People with Love on the cover.Pages-44,64, and 95.

9.30.99-More on Dolls
For more on the Britney Dolls go to her Offcail Site!

9.30.99-Poll results
I am so glad to see so many e-mails coming to me!If i dont respond to your e-mail Im sorry!But I do read them all!Its just cause I get to many and I dont have a staff or anything really.So bare with me.But anyway most of you said you would buy the dolls but not open them.But some said they dont care for dolls.

9.30.99-Rosie Review
Extra thanks to for this long and great review!

On monday, September 27, Britney Spears appeared on the Rosie O' Donnell show. I thought her performance and interview went exceptionally well. It all started off as usual with Rosie holding her debut CD, Baby One More Time. Rosie introduced Britney with enthusiasm as the Crazy music up and started. Her dancers were brightly color coordinated in bright colored shirts and black pants. I have to say that the dancers did a wonderful opening number totally in sync with eachother. Britney, of course, came out skipping to the front in some black tight pants with a white stripe down each side of the pant leg and an assortment of blues and purples on her tube top covered by a see through sheer covering which tied up at the top. A very cute outfit.......but then again aren't all her outfits? And Britney also sported a new do'!! Still the same honey blonde..only shorter ( about shouler length with a little flip to it ) I like it a lot on looks cute. Anyways after a almost flawless dance and pretty good singing while dancing to Crazy...and if you know the dance to Crazy.....well it's pretty choreographed and bouncy. Then after a smiling Britney, Rosie came over and gave her a big hug. Then they went to commercial blah blah blah. Then they came back and talked about Britney's dolls in which they had their on Rosie's desk. They were cute but I don't think that they really looked a whole lot like Brit but oh well. Then she pulled out a 11 inch porcelin one which was beautiful but didn't look anything like Brit. After that they simply talked about Britney's plans for college and her upcoming schedule which includes some promotional stuff overseas and recording her new album. (yay!) Anyways that's about .........all in all it was a good appearance for Brit.

I have been delelting all the awards entrys i get for now since I am far to busy to look at all these pages ar the moment.My mom doesnt want me to be on the computer at all but I sneak on really be thankful.But if you really want to get your page looked by me please join my ring.called the brit has like 30 sites in it.

9.29.99-Britney and Melissa Hosting TRL!
OMG!!I forgot again!!!About Britney hosting TRL!!I fell like a fag!Will someone wake me up!!LOL!!OK anyway....I watched half of it...I missed the first part of it.But some of the questions that were asked were-

1.Britney,do you like the new Blink 182 Video?
Britney-"I started cracking up on the floor!"

2.Britney,are you in the "Drive me Crazy" movie with Melissa?
Britney-"no but I wish i was!"

3.Britney,will you or Melissa give me a tour of New York?
Melissa said-"there are other girls down there!"

4.Britney,are you going out with any of the guys in Nsync?
britney says-"no I am not!But I wish!"

There!She said NO she is no more rumors!

9.29.99-More on Rosie
I got some reviews yesterday.And it seems like most of the show was about Britney preforming Crazy.and them talking about her new cute dolls!!I think they are so cute!What do you think??E-mail me!

9.29.99-New Poll
ok this poll is kinda of for guys but sord of girls. ok for the guys-Would you buy the Britney Spears Dolls,even though your guys..and guys DONT do that!

for the older girls-would any of you teen girls buy the doll??

E-mail me all the info!

Holly found a wav of Britney and Justin on the MMC. Click Here

9.29.99-Want more..?
Want more caps of Rosie??Then go to Rosie's Site!

9.29.99-Another POLL!
ok i heard that Britney will be a cheerleader in Dawsons Creek.But now she wont...due to a interview with some actor.She hasnt yet been picked for a part.What part do you think she will play?

There was a yahoo chat like 2 days ago.Someone told me is sucked!Can anyone tell me what questions were asked? E-mail me!

9.23.99-Crazy Single
The YDMC Single was told not to be released in the US.But it will next week at the music store called "WAVESMUSIC".This store is everywhere too.I have a friend in Seattle that said it was up there!!I t will probably will be around 10$ though since its an import.

9.23.99-Rolling Stone
I take Rolling Stone and in it it had a article about Britney selling 6 million Albums.It also talked about other bands.

9.23.99-World Tour
As I said a few days ago Britney will be recording her new album soon!And she will be writing some of her songs as well!And it will be in LA!Right near me!She will also do a WORLD TOUR in February!.

9.23.99-More on J.T and B.S
I found a link to an article about Britney and Justin!Whats new!LOL!Click here to see it.

9.23.99-Another no Show
Britney was again a no-show!She was supposed to be at a Miami radio station last saturday but didnt show up.

9.23.99-More on Jay Leno
Britney will be on Jay Leno this friday as your know.Also Dennis Rodman will be on it too!!!This is going to be a very interesting show!

9.23.99-Something really funny
ok this is not really news but it is Britney Related!ok some girl at my school always calls this girl "Britney Spears".She always says "bye Britney Spears!".And she doesnt even act or look like her!

I found a link to an article about the BSB ruling the pop thing.and more on Nsync.Click here.

Britney is mentioned in a Pokemon Article Here.

9.22.99-Christina is winning
Yesterday on TRL Britney was #4 and Christina was #3.I really want Britney to be #1.Cause that nsync song is getting to me!I dont know why.But anyway!ok if anyone knows how many more days till genie in a bottle is retired please E-mail me.or if you know how many more days till crazy retires please tell me that too.thanks

9.22.99-OMG I feel stupid!!
OMG!!ok yesterday I asked you guys when the disney concert with Brit and Joey will air.and I got like OMG so many e-mails!!I feel like a dumbo not knowing...its like I was the only one that didnt know!But its at October 16th at 7PM on the Disney channel!!I think everyone knows anyway!!

9.22.99-Blink 182's new video
Blink 182 is making a new video based on "BOY BANDS".I guess britney and christina are included ...i dont know why!!ok you know in sometimes the guy is chasing the dog?well the dog will be chasing the guy this time!And you know when Britney is holding that pink ball on the dock?well there will be an old man or something doing that!How rude!The band is also making fun of Christina Aguilera by laying on the dirt like her.

9.22.99-Boston Article
I found a link to a Boston Article about Britney not showing up for the autograph signing Here.

9.22.99-Album info
This week Britney's Album one more time is #6.

september.16.99-MTV Karaoke
Vikci writes-

hey i was watching say what karote on MTV today and yesterday and yester a girl sang crazy and today laura limpshits (you know VJ) went around new york making guys sing crazy or aleast try it was funny Micky D workers were singing and dancen crazy!.

Anna sent in a article from the mag "Popcorn".Click here to see it!

september.16.99-Last day
yesterday was britney's last day for touring!!

september.16.99-Too Much for Much
There is going to be a too much for much Video awards thing...just like the VMAs.And Britney will be preforming...remember Quezy might be able to get them...not sure!

LOL!!Ok above this message was a message that said britney's last tour date was yestersay!Wrong!LOL!She added one more in CALI!!!YEAHH!!

LFO's Brad admited on TRL that he has a crush on Britney!!

september.16.99-New Polls
Last time I asked you guys if you thought Christina will last as long as brit and most of you said "YES she will".Ok I got another question for you.all these bands are coming back!Like "Bush,No Doubt,NIN,Fiona apple,Mariah Carey,And many more"!do you think that all these artists and band will take over like they did a few years ago???E-mail me with your thoughts!

september.16.99-Which Date!!
This is really bugging me!!When is sabrina!!E-mail me if you know!

september.16.99-Hurrican Floyd
this is a Non related britney issue.ok i really am asking for all of you people to pray for people in florida,south carolina,north carolina,and all the east states.hope that Hurricane Floyd doesnt kill people.My brother lives in North Carolina at the moment too.I am not asking to pray for him but you pray for all the other people in danger....thank you.

september.14.99-The Chat!!
Sorry but I didnt get to chat with Britney at ABC.Com.I totally had not time.If anyone has the transcript please e-mail it to me.Some of you were mad acause britney didnt answer your question.well Britney has alot of fans and cant answer them all.sorry.

september.14.99-Canada Mag writes-
I live in Québec, Canada and I was reading a magazine called Cool! When I saw the top 30 of the most beautiful american girls. Britney Spears was number 1 followed by Katie Holmes

september.14.99-New ScreenSaver
Holly gave me a link to a new screen saver....she didnt say if it was Britney but I am pretty sure it is...Click here to D/L it.

NewsWeek has an article on the VMAs.And its on the web Here.

september.14.99-New LabelMates!
Nsync has joined Britney on her Label.."JIVE".and the BSB are also on it!I guess nsync found out that RCA is a crappt label!!LOL!But Christina Aguilera is still on RCA!

ok the readers of this site (you)are pratically in charge of what you want to see.i will post anything you say about Britney.But I will not say I think it is true but I will post it. says that is a poser and says she is Britney.I dont know KhDg4eva so I dont know if this is true.and I never no proof.sorry.

september.13.99-The Chat!!
OMG i forgot to tell you people that Britney will be chating tonight at ABC.COM!!!So hurry...its at 6pm!!!.

september.13.99-A rumor
BritPrez Writes-

This rumor is true!My friend's cousin friend went backstage with Britney Spears and she said that Britney made everyone cry.Britney told them to go away and that she would not sign autographs!now I dont like Britney,I only like her music.This causes for a little anti.

september.13.99-Confirmed Dates!
Its confirmed!Britney will be on Sabrina on the 24th.and she will be on rosie on the 27th!.

Gemini4074 writes-

I got this off your website and at the Nsync concert that i went to in May. Justin pulled up a little girl onto the stage and he asked her what her name was and she said Britney. He then started laughing and asked her if they were spreading rumors about her too, she said no. LoL I think it's the same little girl because my cousin went to one of thier concerts in California and she said that Justin pulled up a little girl onto the stage and asked her what her name was and of course she said Britney and then justin laughed and asked her if they were spreading rumors about her too! LOL Coincidence?.

september.13.99-Tom Green
CherryoIce Writes-

today i was watching new 1515 and they talked to tom green and he said britney spears sat he front of him and he want to say hi but he was to shy to becuause her vidoe and seeing her belly all the time

september.13.99-Vote for Brit
BRITLUV122 informed me that you can vote for Britney Here

september.13.99-want tickets? are selling concert tickets pretty cheap.also there are letters,pictures,and the fan slub there too!

I have nothing against Christina!ok?i got her album the first day it was out!I found this article about comparing britney and christina here.

september.13.99-Alot of Fans
I found this article about Fans screaming for britney at this ticket thing here

september.12.99-More on the VMA
I found a link to a interview with Britney on the VMA here.

september.12.99-why milk?
if you go to you will find a contest about finding britney's lips.there are 4 and you win like 2000$ or something crazy like that.

september.12.99-get the single!
I went to the store that usually has all the Britney Spears imports...and I asked for her new single "you drive me crazy"and they said I had to special order it!that sux!well if your an internet shopper you can pre order it at

september.12.99-Articles and Pictures
I found a link to some articles and pictures of Britney Here

september.12.99-New Britney Hat
I found a fisher man hat at Sam Goody with Britney's Logo on it.It was 15.99$.

september.12.99-Still no date
I went to the Suncoast Movie Store yesterday and asked when the officail Britney Video will be coming out and she checked it on the list and it was on the list for new realeases!!but next in the date column it said "NTA" meaning Not yet announced!!!Damn!If anyone has any info on when it will be coming out please E-mail me

Alot of you webmasters joined my webring!thanks!ok if you are having any trouble with the HTML code please E-mail me cause I noticed that some people seem to have trouble finding the code.

All of a sudden I get alot of e-mails asking if I was yes I am.I quit the club due to AOLS very strict rules!Sorry to all the 700 members I had!

september.12.99-All of my Brit CDS are...
Ok since the pic of the day was Brit's Import Album I decided to list all the cds and tracks of Brits Imports that I have so far...if you have any imports of Britney that I dont have please e-mail me the name and tracks.

Britney one more time(US ALBUM) one more time
2.(you drive me)Crazy
4.Soda Pop
5.Born to make you Happy
6.from the bottom of my broken heart
7.I will be there
8.I will still love you
9.Thinking about you
10.E-mail my Heart
11.the Beat goes on

Britney one more time(Import Album) one more time
2.(you drive me)Crazy
4.Soda Pop
5.Born to make you happy
6.From the bottom of my broken heart
7.I will be there
8.I will still love you
9.Deep in my heart
10.Thinkin bout you
11.E-mail me heart
12.The beat goes on
13.I'll never stop loving you
14.Autumn Goodbye one more time(David Osphina Radio Mix) one more time(Boy Wunder Radio Mix)

Britney one more time(US single) one more time
2.Autumn Goodbye

Britney Spears-Sometimes(Import Single)

2.I'm so Curious
3.Sometimes (Soul Soulition)

Britney Spears-Sometimes(Japenese Import)

1.Sometimes one more time(Sharp Platinum) one more time(Davidson Ospina)

I have 5 total.If you want any info on price of CD and location of where it is sold please E-mail me.I bought all 5 cds at stores...not on the internet...but all of these are available on the internet.

september.11.99-More on the VMA
Yesterday I asked you guys what the Chris Rock Joke was about cause I didnt hear it.Man did I get alot of e-mails about that one!!ok i cant give credit to everyone that e-mailed me so i am just going to tell you...well you all know but i will just say it.chris said he wonders who is going to get britney pregnant...the BSB or nsync?kinda of funny...but not anymore.

september.11.99-LOL...calm down everyone
ok yesterday i said that nsync and BSB didnt win anything...but I guess BSB won 1 you people need to just calm yourselves....i mean igot some e-mails with vulgar language about this issue.sorry.but i just dont like it when people get so so mad at me.we all make mistakes.

september.11.99-More on Justin and Brit says that Britney and Justin were caught in a hotel...yes thats what everyone is saying but EBONIAIR also said its in entertainment weekly and at this site.

september.11.99-links to VMA stuff
Big thanks to Holly for these links!please go to her Site.ok here they are-


september.11.99-A unoffcial video
ok some of you might have saw the video "Star Baby Scrapbook".well its not the officail video.the officail video will be coming out soon.but if you want to buy the unofficail video it is available at Suncoast and also at

september.9.99-Britney and Nsync
yesterday on TRL there were some ineterviews shown with some nominess of the VMAs.and nsync was on and said that they were going to sing "tearin up my heart" with britney!sorry but i dont think that song fits with her!!!but oh well!

september.9.99-Britney as well
Britney was aswell ineterviewed on TRL yesterday.She was saying that it will be cool preforming infront of her idols like Madonna and more!and she said she would like to sing with Ricky Martin.

september.9.99-More on Justin and Britney
I got more letters from you on the justin and brit issue-

Eminemss72 writes

at the nsync concert on friday sept 3 , and at the end of god must have spent a little more time on you, justin usually brings up a little girl to sing to , well when he they brought the little girl up he asked her what her name was and to everyone and especially his surprise she said her name was brittany! justin just started to laugh and the crowd erupted in laughter to along w/ the other guys of nsync. then after justin stopped laughing he said to the crowd 'me and britney are NOT dating , just so u all know'." so if he was dating her he wouldnt have found it so funny so I believe him , when its just the media making a big thing out of this."

september.8.99-Vote Brit!
Vote for Britney in the top artist of 2000!Click here to vote for her!She is losing by alot!The BSB are ahead!figures!

september.8.99-Britney #1!
Briten was finally #1 on TRL yesterday!!!YEAH!we have to keep this up!!We cant let nsync or anyone give us any crap!

september.8.99-Britney's Goodluck Charm
Britney wears this handband thing at all her concerts...I guess its a good luck thing for her.

september.8.99-More Polls
there is a entertainment poll Here.

september.8.99-lime mag?
Amy told me that Britney and Christina Aguilera was on lime mag!I havent even heard of the thing.or even saw it!there are questions about the rolling stones pics.figures!

september.8.99-An Opinion on Justin and Brit
If you have any comments on Justin and Brit feel free to E-mail them to me and I will post them up! writes-

Hi, the Britney and Justin rumor is completely false. Britney herself confirmed this in an interview that I think was aired today. She said the only thing that happened was that she had plane trouble and thats why she couldn't make it to Boston. So please dont go on believing this anymore I am so sick of these rumors that shouldn't be believed until Britney confirmed them anyway. She also said that she did not get breast implants. She was nearly in tears in this interview. So please dont think about this stupid rumor anymore. I cant bekieve I believed this for a second. I admit I did at first.

september.5.99-New Mags
I got to see some new mags with Brit.One called Blizzard and another Tiger Beat.Also I got to see the Teen Celebrity Mag.It has cool pics of brit.with nice graphics on it.I didnt buy it though...sorry.

september.5.99-New Video?
I saw this sign in wherehouse about a new officail britney spears video.the sign had the cover of the video and it said "coming soon".but the darn sign didnt say a date.if anyone knows of a date please please E-mail me

september.5.99-More on Justin and Brit
Holly writes-

** Britney Spears top selling female teen LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Britney Spears' "Baby One More Time" is now the top-selling album by a teen-age female artist, according to the Recording Industry Association of America's August certifications. Spears' Jive debut, now at 6 million units, leapfrogged LeAnn Rimes' 1996 Curb debut "Blue," which stands at 5 million units. Another top teen group, Backstreet Boys, saw their Jive set "Millennium" reach 7 million units last month, tying it with 'N Sync's RCA debut as the best-selling title of 1999 so far. Shania Twain's 1997 Mercury Nashville album "Come On Over" arrived at 13 million; the set ties Whitney Houston's 1985 Arista debut as the No. 2 album by a female artist. Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill" (Maverick/Sire, 1995) holds the top slot, at 16 million units. Pearl Jam's 1991 disc "Ten" jumped to the 11 million mark, making the Epic set the top-selling album by an alternative rock act. U2's "The Joshua Tree" (Island) and Nirvana's "Nevermind" (DGC) are both at the 10 million level.

Well that isnt all about Brit...but holly also said she cancelled a signing to go with justin at a hotel....very STRANGE!but i have no proof of it!

september.5.99-More Sabrina
i got some more sabrina for ya!Holly sent in this link Here for more photos.

september.5.99-New Somtimes Single
Yet another sometimes single!!!Yes there is a Japenese Sometimes Single.I dont think they sell it on the internet....or I just didnt find it yet but It has some diffrent versions of BOMT on it and the somtimes edit.I will scan it for you when i have time.

september.5.99-Her Fourth Single
I just made a little prediction to what Britney's Fourth single will be....I saw this sign they said "Featuring "baby one more time,Sometimes,Crazy,E-mail my heart and Born to make you happy" i guess if she has a 4th single it will be e-mail my heart.another slow song

september.5.99-Britney Watch
I saw a Britney Watch at this funky store called Wachtes N us.Man it was freaky.anyway they had a Britney watch!!They also sell some at her officail Store!

A little something I found for you people into making Britney Shrines in your room-i found a britney poseter made out of I guess if you have strong sissors you can cut her out and put her on a stand or something...just you make your room a little more brit!

september.3.99-was brit on ET?
ok i missed ET yesterday...was brit on it?does anyone know?if so please E-mail me and let me know!

september.3.99-brit didnt win!
Ok on the Local News yesterday on CBS the entertainment news person said that Britney DIDNT win over LeAnne Rhime's Album "Blue" in the most albums sold by a teenager!But ET said like a few days ago brit did!this is very weird!if you have any more info please E-mail me

september.3.99-Brit and Justin Again! writes-

I was watching tv when i saw Extra about britney and justin (from 'Nsync (who sux)) both went to the same hotel rom and stayed overnight together. PLZ tell me it isn't TRUE!!!! =( Extra and this reporter implied that she cancelled her Tommy appearance to spend the night making love to justin. I say Extra and that fatass female reporter is a bitch!!!

I dont think it is true!but you never know!

september.3.99-Flight Cancelled? writes-

I heard the Britney Spears thing at Filene's in Boston was canceled because her flight was canceled. Also I heard Britney was going out with Justin from NSYNC.

september.3.99-More on Sabrina!
you guys asked for wanted more on the Sabrina Show!well i dont have alot of info but i have links!better than nothing!to see the photos of the set CLick see some article Click here.

september.3.99-More on the cray Stop remix
the offical site for the soundtrack to "you drive me crazy" is .

september.3.99-A Stupid thing I heard!
this isnt really news.but at school i heard this kid like making fun of britney by meing like was funny but stupid.I should of tooken a pic cause it was so FUNNY!ok teacher also wants to know who the hell britney is.Gosh everyone should know by now!

september.3.99-A Non-related Brit Issue
ok i know alot of you HATE christina aguilera cause she copied brit or whatever.but i got her album and there is a mistake in the booklet that is pretty damn funny.ok in on the first page of the booklet there are the lyrics to the genie in a bottle song and I was reading it and on the first chourus it is suppost to say "you gotta make a big impression,gotta like what you do"and in the booklet it says "I gotta like what you do,you gotta make a big impression,if you want to be with me".ok that doesnt even make sense!LOL!

september.3.99-just a little poll!
ok here is a little poll for you britney and christina you think Christina Aguilera will last just like Britney is?cause i heard christina's album and well it isnt as great as brits.E-mail me with your thoughts.I will be posting up some of your thoughts.

september.2.99-Britney Postcards
You can now send Britney Postcards at BritneySpears.Com send me one!LOL!:)

september.2.99-Britney on ET
Britney will be on ET tonight!So please tune in!Its about all her success.Gosh ET always does something on Brit.Not like i am complaining or anything!

september.2.99-6 million Albums
ET informed that Britney has sold now Over 6 million copies of her album " one more time".She is now the #1 teenager ever to sell that many albums.It even beats LeAnne Rimes with her 5 million.Congrats to Britney.

september.2.99-Kiss FM
on the radio i heard that Britney was spoted at a beach..i dont remember the name...but it was in Cali and she got her Teeth Cleaned.And she wasnt wearing a bra or something.Very strange!

Here is just a little update in which mags Brit is featured in this month.Britney is featured in the following mags-
-Tiger Beat
-teen celebrity
-teen people
WOW thats alot of mags.And they are all at the newstands now!

september.2.99-The Facts
OK I know the facts section of this site is very screwed.I have been informed like 1000 times.I put it there cause thats what her Baseball card said.If anyone doesnt or hasnt seen the Baseball cardplease E-mail me and I will explain.Well anyway I just put on what was there.But if you want me to fix it so bad i will try to get to it.Hey I am lazy.sorry.LOL.

september.1.99-The Britney Botique
There is a cute cartoon on the front page of britney's official store!Click here to go there.There are also like all the Britney Stuff you could ever want there!

september.1.99-Britney's Back
disney is having another contest for you Britney Fans to mee her Here

september.1.99-Full Spread
In Octobers issue of Celebrity Teen..there is a big spread on Britney with pictures...full color!Also her at the Zootopia concert and more!

september.1.99-More on the JC thing
Holly writes-
Hey I always do I checked out your site tonight and i just got my teen people today too..ok the rollercoaster nsync pic with rosie was actually from a show..they were on her show twice in like May when she was in Florida taping and they rode that rollercoaster with Rosie...anyways, i have this taped if u need me to prove it to u (j/k) the girl is a singer from florida and she was the announcer on the show that day so they invited her to go along and jc held her hand for her cuz she was freaked out. Anyways I know it isn't Britney..the chica had really curly light blond kinda long hair..anyways.

september.1.99-TV Guide
I was informed that next weeks TV Guide will have a little arcticle on Britney's preformance on the Sabrina the Teenage Witch Show.

september.1.99-Crazy Single OUT
The Crazy single is out now at havent seen it in stores anywhere yet.

september.1.99-ABC is having a live chat with Britney on September 14th.

september.1.99-Britney's Stop Remix
At in the Meidia Section there is a clip of the Stop Remix.But it sounds just like the original one.well you see for your self.

september.1.99-Webring and New E-mail
Ok The britney land webring is undercontruction!!!I am making a Brit Webring and its going to be better than ever!!And I got a NEW e-mail since this site is called daily new e-mail is e-mail me there only!

News Archive-

August 1999/ September 1999/ October 1999/ November 1999 / December 1999