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Review - Big Daddy

Summer of Sandler

Adam Sandler. What did we ever do to him? Why do we deserve such mindless drivel as Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy and (collective shudder) Billy Madison? Where did we go wrong?

Ah, but then there's the good stuff. The Wedding Singer was a wonderful movie, full of jokes and laughter and even some of the tough, mushy stuff. While it wasn't Sandler's most popular film, it's by far his best.

Now we have Big Daddy. So, where does this one belong, you ask? In the junk pile or the very small list of major Sandler achievements? That's something I'm still trying to decide myself.

Big Daddy has its good parts. It's very cute, and has a conceivable ending, unlike most of his other flicks. It's got an almost entirely believable plot, and a romance that's sweeter than Pixie Stix.

But when you get right down to it, Big Daddy relys far too much on jokes where people fall down and become severely injured than real hilarity. Plus, when compared to something like the South Park movie, Big Daddy seems terribly drab.

So, maybe Big Daddy doesn't really belong anywhere. Maybe it's created a new Sandler catagory: movies that are kinda good but kinda bad but kinda okay all at the same time. And maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Grade - C

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