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Review - Erin Brockovich

Queen of Hearts

Julia Roberts!!!

I could just end this review of Roberts's new film, Erin Brockovich, with those two words and three exclaimation points: "Julia Roberts!!!" I had an appreciation for Roberts before Brockovich; after all, she's the Pretty Woman. I watch that movie with a great deal of respect, knowing that Miss Julia is a woman of incredible talent. Runaway Bride was a huge disappointment, of course, but Notting Hill more than made up for it. I remember enjoying Conspiracy Theory when I first saw it as well. Yet I didn't truly understand how awesome Roberts is until I saw Erin Brockovich.

Judging from previews (which one must NEVER DO, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES- I wouldn't have seen American Beauty if I'd just seen the trailer and nothing else), Brockovich seems like just another chick flick. My mother confirmed the apparent chick-ness of it by saying to me in the theater after the preview, "I want to see that one." On most occasions, this is the kiss of death for movies. The only thing that attracted me to the film was the use of Sheryl Crow on the soundtrack ("Maybe Angels" and "Everyday is a Winding Road" in the trailer, "Judgement Day" and "Winding Road" in the film) and the slight Julia pull.

The film turned out to be the most uplifting thing I've seen so far this year. After a winter of Oscar nomintated downers, Erin Brockovich was a breath of fresh air. It was also the first movie I've seen in a LONG time where the entire audience (not an empty seat in the house, by the way) clapped and cheered at the end. There were even a few cheers and spurts of applause during the movie as well. I was completely captivated, and I loved every minute. It's not the world's most wonderful movie, but it is pretty damn heartwarming.

Grade - A-

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