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Review - Runaway Bride

Tip Cup

Runaway Bride, where did you go wrong? There are so many, many things that I just can't stand about you. Since I don't have all day, I'll just address the most prominent ruining factors.

First of all, the casting director thought it would be soooo cute to put Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in a movie together again. They were so amazing in Pretty Woman together, why not make another movie just like that?

Fact: Chemestry only works the first time. Julia and Richard's problem is that they have so much chemestry that their hatred of each other in the beginning of the movie doesn't play. It seems like they really, really like each other all along, and that doesn't work for the plot.

Secondly, the movie was so predictable it made me sick. It was to the point where I knew what the next line was going to be, and that's just too predictable.

Fact: The audience doesn't need to know exactly what you're going to see before you say it. In fact, it's best if they don't.

My final griping point is the ending. What a cop out! I won't give it away, but let's just say that it's not much of an ending. There is another point where the movie could have ended just perfectly and everyone would be happy, but instead the film drags on for another twenty minutes with nowhere left to go.

Fact: Quantity isn't necessarily better than quality.

I could go on for decades, but I'll just stop myself here. While it's not the worst movie of the year (that'd be Idle Hands by a landslide) or even the worst movie of the summer (that's Wild Wild West), but it's pretty bad. And this is even coming from someone who likes Julia Roberts on a semi-regular basis! Just trust me here, please. Runaway Bride doesn't need to make any more money.

Grade - C-

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