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Review - Wild Wild West

Vile Wild West

It's been a good long time since I've truly hated a film. I was starting to get frustrated with my new-found ability to find the bright side of everything. Most people would think I was insane to give Big Daddy a C, but I was even able to find the fun in that movie. So, while the bile that is Wild Wild West was sickening, it was also refeshing. It proved to me that Hollywood was still capable of making mistakes.

And what a mistake! Not only was this disgusting, it made me angry. Very angry. And I don't know why.

Maybe it was the irritating one-liners. They just kept coming. And coming. And coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming.....well, certainly you get the idea. Finally it turned from a string of one-liners to just one very long, ill-conceived joke. It might not have been so bothersome if they had been even remotely funny. Unfortunately, we weren't that lucky.

The plot didn't help much. First of all, it barely existed in the first place. What there was of one was so poorly written that it seemed like someone has ripped whole pages out of the script. It was just sad.

Don't even get me started on the amount of people it's liable to insult. It's almost as insulting as South Park, and that's pretty insulting.

There's so much more I could say, but I'm starting to get angry again. Just do me a big favor and don't see Wild Wild West. Give me the honor of being able to laugh at Warner Bros. when it doesn't break even. I love doing that.

Grade - D

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