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Thanks for Everything, Guys

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. And working on this site and "got Justin?", my old site, was certainly one of those great things that you hate to leave. But I have to. School, sports, church, youth, and other reasons have forced me to resign my position as co-editor of the best website on the internet. It has become too much of a priority and I need to be doing other things. It's so incredibly hard for me to leave because I love you guys and I love sharing all my laughs and thoughts about NSync to all of you and getting the reactions that I have gotten. All of you have really left me with some great memories and some new friends that I know I'll be in contact with for a long time. Here go my big "thank you's": (Bear with me there's a lot!)

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior- for putting me in this position that I can convey my opinions and thoughts to a numerous audience and have so much fun. It was His plan that I do this.

Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass, and uh, JC Chasez- Thanks to the "other guys" in NSync for being so well stupid. If it weren't for their thrusts, expressions, and idiot-ness, there would be no site. It was a group effor from all of em, there is no 'i' in Sync.

Brit, Amy, Missi, Alex, and Lynz- the best co-editors anyone could ever ask for. Ya'll are some of the craziest, funniest, and coolest people I have ever met. I'm glad that NSync has brought us together. Word.

Mom and Dad- For letting me spend so much freaking time on the computer and helping me with all my times of teenybopper-ness. And thanks for driving me 7 long hours and spending your dough. Love ya.

Justin Randall Timberlake- What can I say, baby? It's all about you. I don't think I need to thank him for anything, you guys know what he does to ya! "Justin, Justin, he's my Juuuuuuustin! Ahhh."

Last but SO not least....

YOU!!!!!- Thank YOU the web surfer and fan for coming to "got Justin?" and "Everybody's Free". Thanks for all the support and help. Without you guys, I wouldn't have spent all this time on creating this site. You guys are the bomb and keep it NSync!

I'm sorry to say that I will not have "Show Me The Booty" anymore. So please do not send me any more applications or anything like that. I apologize greatly for all those who have signed up for it! I know you guys understand though.

I guess that's about it. Again, I want to thank everyone who has helped me through everything, I appreciate all of you guys more than you know. Sometimes, I'll be writing stuff for the site and giving my feedback. (Brit, ya can't get rid of me that easy!! LOL). But they'll be pretty scarce. I will have my Shhhuzay screen name for a short time, but then I'll be deleting it, so if you want to send in comments, please feel free to. I love you guys!

Love & God Bless,

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