Chapter 1

"Oh my god...." Angela said as she covered her mouth.

She had just witnessed her boyfriend of 3 months, Joey Fatone, kiss Justin's girlfriend, Jennifer.

"Joey.....?" she whispered.

He stood there in shock. He had just kissed his best friend's girlfriend which he did not mean to, and his girlfriend saw it.

"Angela, baby...."

"Don't you baby me, you jerk! Shit, Joey, what the hell were you thinking?"

"Angela, this isn't what it looks like......"

"Oh, it isn't. Well, enlighten me, because it looked like you just kissed Jennifer!! And, in front of the one you said you loved...." she said as a tear ran down her face.

"Angela, I love you...."

"Joey.....I used to...." she said as she ran out the door and into her car.

As she drove down the desolate road, all she could think about was Joey and Jennifer.....on the couch.....kissing. It drove her nuts.

She took a deep breath before she headed to her best friend's house.

An hour after arrival...

"Hey, Justin? Can I stay here tonight? More than likely Joey will be at our place....." Angie said.

"Oh, yeah.......of course....." he said. He was daydreaming about him and Jennifer.

She came over and put her hand on his shoulder. "She was nothing, Justin. I've seen you with better."

"Is that including yourself?" Justin replied with a smile.

"Oh, you know it!" Angie said as she and Justin laughed.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day...." Angie said as she started to unfold the couch-bed.

"No, no, take my room. I'll sleep on the couch tonight...." Justin said.

"Thanks, J.....well, good night..." she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Good night." he replied.

At Joey's house....

Joey sat in his bed looking at the moon outside his window. He knew he made a mistake. He lost his girlfriend and one of his best friends. He looked over and picked up a picture frame. It was him and Angie at the beach. Her blond hair laid perfect on her shoulders as Joey had his arms around her waist. He knew he would get her back. He just didn't know how.

The next morning:

Angie woke up in Justin's water bed. She stretched before she got up and went into the kitchen.

"Morning....." she said. "Good morning, and how are you feeling today?" Justin asked brightly.

Angie gave him a weird look. "What is up with you?"

"I'm just wishing my best friend a good morning. Is that so bad?" he said.

"Uh,'s not a very good morning for me...any calls?" she asked hoping Joey would call.

"Uh, I don't know. Check the machine...." he said.

She walked over to the machine and pressed the button.

"Angie? I know you're there, and you probably don't want to pick up, but this is Joey. Um, I need to talk to you...."

Justin walked in the room as the message played.

Angie frowned as she heard a familiar voice.

"Joey? C'mon, we're gonna be late for the beach...." Jennifer said.

"Well, anyway....I love you and......" Before Joey finished talking, Angie took out the tape and stomped on it.

She ran to the couch and cried into her hands. She felt Justin's arms wrap around her.

"It's okay.....I'm hurting too...." he said.

Justin and Angie went to her house. Joey's car was in the driveway, which made Angie give Justin a worried look, but he just looked at the door.

She unlocked the the door and walked in.

The house had the old familiar smell of roses and lilacs which Joey couldn't stand, but kept it in there because Angie loved it.

Joey wasn't anywhere in sight, so Angie just went to her bedroom to get her clothes. Justin took a seat on the couch but was startled by a voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Joey demanded as he stepped into the room.

"Angie's just getting her clothes. She's staying over at my place tonight. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to explain anything to you though....."

"What are you trying to do, Justin? Get Angie for yourself? Is that what you've wanted all along?"

"What are you talking about? She's my best friend, and even if I did have other feelings for her, I'd treat her a hell of a lot better than you do, Joey...."

"Don't you patronize me, Justin......"

"Well, you obviously need it.....why did you cheat on Angie anyway? And with MY GIRLFRIEND?"

"Well maybe, if you could satisfy her, she wouldn't run to me....." Joey said coldly.

Something in Justin snapped. "Angie is the most wonderful person in the world as far as I'm concerned, and you couldn't love her as much as I could even if you tried....I'm glad she dumped you. She deserves so much better..."

"I would've dumped her anyway....." Joey said as he stared into Justin's eyes.

"Well, I'm glad to know that, Joey. Yesterday I would have given you the world. I guess you would just take it for granted.....I'm ready, Justin. Let's go....." Angie said.

"Angie? I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean it, you know that..."

"Save your breath. It's not like you ever loved me...." she said as her and Justin walked out the door.

Angie sat in Justin's car with tears streaming down her face.

"How is it possible for my whole world to collapse in 12 hours?" she said weakly.

"Angie, it's okay...I'm here...."

"No, Justin! It's not okay. I lost the love of my life, and you have the nerve to sit back and tell me it's okay? What's up with you?" she said. Her voice was shaken and misleading.

He just took a deep breath. She sighed softly.

"I'm sorry.....I just...I miss him, and it's hard to tell myself that my sweet and wonderful Joey cheated on me with Jennifer. But, I'm being selfish. I mean, I'm not the only one who lost somebody......" she said as her eyes were fixated on Justin.

"It's okay....and don't worry about Jennifer..........we really didn't work out...."

"Really? But you 2 were such a cute couple....."

"Yeah, in the public..........she was using me for fame or money or both. We didn't truly care about each other. And she'll do the same thing to Joey...."

"You don't think....her and Joey....together...?....."

"I don't know......" he said solemnly.

Angie persisted. "But you just said-"

"Who cares about what I said? He hurt you Angie, and that's all I care about. We've been friends since we were 10 years old. If you think I'm going to let some guy take away the wonderful things I see in you, you're wrong. If he wants Jennifer, he can have her. I really don't care anymore."

"Thanks, Justin. Have we really been friends that long?"

"Uh, yeah. 8 years....."

"You would've thought by now that I would get tired of you......" she said as she giggled.

He just laughed and smiled as they drove home.

Chapter 2
