Chapter 1

Note: This story is rated R! As in, you either have to be over 13 or have extreme maturity to read it. This is your final warning!!! =)

I sat nervously in my seat. "We are expecting moderate turbulance, so please leave your seatbelts buckled as we decend over the water. Thank you." the captain said.

That was just what I needed. My second plane ride ever and I was a complete wreck. I had just had a wonderful vacation in London. It was truly amazing. Now, the vacation was over and I was just going where I wanted after this. I looked over to my left and I saw 2 guys. One with blond curly hair, and another with jet black hair. They were laughing and talking.

"Hi," the one with curly hair said.

"Oh, hi. My name is Michelle and I'm a little nervous. This is only my second plane ride." I replied.

"Oh, really? We've been traveling a lot lately. We're a band. Have you ever heard of us?" he said.

"Um, I don't know. I know the songs, I just don't know the faces," I replied.

"Hey JC," he said to the guy sitting next to him as he whipered something to him.

"Check this out," he said. "You're all I ever wanted, you're all I ever needed, yeah.. So, tell me what to do now, when I want you back..." they sang.

"Oh! I know you now! You're N Sync, right?" I said. I was kinda in shock.

"Yeah," he said. They introduced themselves and the other members of the band. Suddenly, the plane started shaking.

"Oh my god, what's happening?" I said.

The captain came on. "Everybody needs to put on the lifevests that we introduced to you at the beginning of the voyage. We are going down. Mayday, Mayday.." he said.

I screamed. I could feel the unbearable jolt of the plane crashing down. Suddenly water rushed in. I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Justin!" I yelled.

He grabbed my hand. I don't really remember what happened after that. I just remember swimming for dear life. When I reached the surface I looked and I could see the reflection of the plane as it desended underneath the water. People started coming above the water. I remember crying uncontrollably.

Justin was there and I suppose the 4 other guys must have been there because I knew other presenses surrounded me. We found a loose peace of debris. We all got on and slowly moved through the surface of the ocean. I fell asleep soon after that.

When I woke up, I could feel the hot sun on me as I lay on the sand. I looked around and I could see everyone else was asleep a few feet away from me. I went into the shallow water and cleaned off my face and arms. My clothes were still wet. I looked out on the water and I saw debris and luggage scattered everywhere. The events of the night before overcame me and I wept silently.

Soon after that, Justin woke up.

"Hey," he said.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry if I seem a little shaken, but I think you can understand why," I said.

He laughed. "Yeah, it's understandable." he replied.

At first, I had no particular interest in any of the guys. I didn't want to get mixed up in a relationship, much less one with somebody famous. Justin just seemed like a sweet guy who really cared. He stood up and looked out on the water.

"It seems like a dream. But, it's not, is it?" he said.

"No, I'm afraid not." I said.

"So, where were you planning to go?" he said.

"Well, I don't know. I was just going to have a little roadtrip, I guess before I pursued my singing career." I said. I had been taking lessons since I was 5 years old. Now, I was trying to get a pro career.

"Singing? Really? Lemme hear ya," he said.

"Now? I don't know...." I said. "Oh, come's the only way you'll get discovered and I've got connections..." he said.

That made me laugh. "Okay....." I said. I sang a rendition of Mariah Carey's "I Still Believe". "Wow...that'" he said. I blushed.

"Nah..." I said.

"No, really, that's amazing.." he said.

"Thanks," I said, "so, where are we exactly are we?"

"I have no idea. We um, just found some land and went to sleep. I have no idea where we are," he said as he started laughing.

I smiled. He looked kind of cute. "So, are we gonna find help, or wait to be rescued? I need to work on my tan, so it don't matter to me." I said.

He laughed again.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I screamed.

"What, what is it?" he said.

"My suitcase!" I said.

"You're gonna scream over a suitcase?" he said.

"It's not about the clothes. A picture of my mom is in there. She, she died when I was 10," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be, it hapened a long time ago. It's just that picture was the only one I ever had of her and I would hate to lose it," I said. "That's really sweet." he replied.

I walked out and picked up the large suitcase. I opened it and laying on top was my UNC T-shirt.

"No way, you like UNC?" he said.

"Tarheels, all the way, babe...." I replied. I started walking towards a huge rock so I could change.

"Oh, you're just going to leave us here, so we can bask in the sun?" Justin said.

"No, I'm changing....duh," I said as I winked at him.

I was bad at a lot of things, but flirting was not one of them. I changed into a cute, light pinkish dress.

When I came out, Justin was sitting down by the shore when he saw me and stood up in a hurry. His eyes looked my body over. I blushed.

"You look..nice," he said. "Thanks, hun.." I replied.

I looked over at the 4 guys still sleeping. It was kinda cute. All cuddled up on the sand, I couldn't help but laugh.

I went and sat down on the sand. Justin sat next to me. I didn't know why, but his presense next to me made my heart race.

"So, where are you from?" he said.

"Um, Dallas, originally. Then, I moved to Memphis and back to Dallas." I said.

"Memphis, really? I'm from Memphis." he said.

I looked over at him and smiled. I couldn't help but look into his blue eyes. They were amazing. We slowly moved towards each other. Until, I heard a helicopter flying over out heads.

I pulled away. "Hey! HEY! DOWN HERE! HELP!" I yelled.

The guys soon woke up and they started screaming too. The helicopter flew down as far as it could and dropped a ladder down.

"After you," Justin said to me. I climbed up the ladder rather quickly. We all got in and were taken to the airport where his mom picked us up.

When we got to her house, I said, "Well, I'll just call a cab and get a hotel room.."

"No, no. Where are you going?" she replied.

"Nowhere, but she's trying to get a singing career." Justin said. I was kind of shocked. It was almost like he wanted me to stay.

"Oh, really? Well, let me hear you," she said.

"Okay, um what would you like me to sing?" I said.

"Sing that Mariah Carey song again," Justin said as he smiled at me.

So, I did. His mom was impressed. "Well, stay here for a couple of days." she said. "No, really. I can get a hotel room. I don't wanna be any trouble." I said. "You wouldn't be any trouble. Plus, I know some people who can get that singing career on the right track." she said.

"Well, okay, I guess.." I said. "Great!" Justin replied.

So, I stayed there. Mrs. Harless worked with me on my voice and we even made a demo tape the next day. That night, there was a party that the guys had to go to.

"Okay, now I'll be there with you so you won't have to walk up to someone and start singing, okay? I know a lot of people there, so we'll get you noticed." she said.

I smiled with joy. I couldn't believe how much these people had done for me. So, that day, I went out and bought a really pretty black dress. When I went downstairs, Justin saw me and smiled. "Wow, you look great..." he said.

"Thanks," I replied and blushed.

At the party we had passed out 5 demos hoping that we'd get an answer from somebody. When we got back, I went up to Justin's room to thank him for everything.

Justin sat down next to me. "You know, Justin, I haven't really had a chance to really talk to you since we got here, but I want to thank you." I said.

"For what?" he replied.

"Well, for everything. You literally saved me in the crash, which I will be forever grateful to you for. And, you helped get my career launched. You're literally amazing," I said as I gave him a hug and gave him a cheek kiss.

"Bye, Justin," I said.

"Bye, Michelle," he replied.

The next day, Mrs. Harless came into the room and looked very excited.

"I have a brilliant idea!" she said.

"What is it, Mom?" Justin said.

"You and Michelle should record a remake of "One Sweet Day". It's perfect and I know you've got the voices. It would be perfect!" she said.

I looked over at Justin. "I'd love to," he said as he smiled.

"Great! We'll start working on it tonight!" she said. So, we went into the studio that night and recorded it.

I loved watching Justin sing. He seemed totally at peace. I knew that singing had always been a dream of his, but the satisfaction he gets from it must be wonderful.

Then, when I recorded my verse, it was surreal. It was like the song was meant for me. Maybe that sounds snobby, but it was the best song I had ever performed before. When Justin and and I sang together, our voices blended perfectly. One problem: I was falling for him. I thought he felt the same way, but I wasn't that sure. I was growing more and more attached to him. I hate when I do that. Cuz, it usually turns out that he'll get a girlfriend or something. But, I couldn't help it. Justin was amazing in every way. He was different from all the other guys.

One night, we went out rollerblading. "This way, no one will know it's me," he said.

We went up and down the street. But, there was a rock in the road that I didn't see and I tripped and fell.

"Michelle? Are you okay?" he said. "I don't know...yeah I guess.." I said.

We went inside and up to his room to see what happened. My knee was all bloody.

"God," I said as I bit my lower lip. I was almost in tears.

"Don't worry, hold on," he said. I figured he was going to get his mom, but he came back with a washcloth and peroxide.

"You do this a lot?" I said.

"Yeah..hold still.." he said. His hand brushed against my leg as he wiped my knee clean. He poured the peroxide on. I let out a short gasp as he looked up at me.

"Cold...." I said. He carefully bandaged up my knee. "Thanks," I said.

"It's the least I could do," he said. I thought about it.

"That's right! I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't have had the brilliant idea to go rollerblading in the dark!" I said.

"Well, at least I know how to keep my balance!" he said.

"Oh, shut're just mad because I'm right..." I said.

We both started to get up, but we forgot we wearing our rollerblades and we fell into each other's arms. We both started laughing until we realized exactly where we were. I looked into his eyes. I was dying to tell him how I feel. We moved closer and closer until our lips were connected. At first it was sweet and nice, but turned into more of a demanding yet gentle kiss. We backed away from each other.

"Wow," I said. "Yeah...." he replied.

Well, the song was released which started going on tour with them, which was interesting. Continue With The Story
