Chapter 2

The first concert freaked me out. I was so nervous. It was a sold out show. 20,000 people or more.

They did 4 songs before Justin said, "Ok, people, I want you to give it up for my friend Michelle Gibson!"

At first, the crowd was a little shaky. I walked out there and automatically girls were booing me.

I gave Justin a look. "Um, you guys....Michelle is a wonderful singer, and I would appreciate if you didn't do that." he said.

Then, the music started. "One Sweet Day" performed by Mariah Carey and Boyz 2 Men

Sorry I never told you

All I wanted to say

And now it's too late to hold you

'Cause you've flown away

So far away

Never had I imagined

Living without your smile

Feeling and knowing you hear me

It keeps me alive


And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we've lost along the way

And I know eventually we'll be together

One sweet day

Darling, I never showed you

Assumed you'd always be there

I took your presence for granted

But I always cared

And I miss the love we shared

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we've lost along the way

And I know eventually we'll be together

One sweet day

Although the sun will never shine the same

I'll always look to a brighter day

Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep

You will always listen as I pray

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we've lost along the way

And I know eventually we'll be together

One sweet day

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we've lost along the way

And I know eventually we'll be together

One sweet day

Sorry I never told you

All I wanted to say

Weeks later, it was time to make the video.

Jc, Lance, Joey, and Chris dressed in dark suits as Justin dressed in a white one.

I didn't know what I was supposed to wear. I went back into wardrobe where I met a nice woman named Shelly. She handed me a beautiful white flowing dress. I got my hair fixed and everything. When I walked out into the studio, I saw Justin in his all too hot white suit.

"Damn," I said to myself.

Justin looked at me in the weirdest way.

"What is it?" I said. "Nothing, it's're beautiful...." he said.

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself," I said.

We walked out with the director to an open studio. It was set to look like a dark street corner. Huge faucets hung high above our heads, because it was supposed to be raining. We took about 3 hours to learn the layout of the video.

When Justin sang, "Sorry I never told you, All I wanted to say, And now it's too late to hold you, 'Cause you've flown away, So far away,", he would be walking in the rain alone.

Then when I sang my part, "Never had I imagined, Living without your smile, Feeling and knowing you hear me, It keeps me alive, Alive", I would come out of nowhere and join him.

Then when the chorus came in, the guys got behind us.

At first, we were drenched with water to seem like we had already been in the rain. I loved every minute of it. It was my first music video ever, and I was doing it with a world renowned band.

It was too good to be true. Towards the end of the video, we were all on the street corner singing.

Before we shot that scene, I looked over at Justin. "Having fun?" he said as he laughed.

"No really, this is great. You guys are terrific.." I said.

We prepared the scene with the rain and everything.

Then, "Action!" the director said. "I know you're shining down on me from so many friends we've lost along the way...." we sang. Then they got a shot of me and Justin looking at the camera saying, "I-I-I-I know, I-I-I-I know....". Justin looked so serious which made me smile.

Then, they captured the final shot of me alone on the corner. The guys stayed over at the side watching me.

I stood there, cold, wet, and particularly miserable. But, I had never had more fun. So, my makeup was fixed, my hair a mess, and the camera rolled.

"Sorry I never told you All I wanted to say." I sang as the camera zoomed out and faded.

"Okay, that's a wrap!" the director said. The whole cast and crew cheered as I walked away and got a towel.

"You were great...." Justin said, "Well, for your first video...." I gave him an evil glare and hit him.

It was 4:00 in the morning when we finished the video, and I went in the bus and crashed. At 8:00 I woke up. We were at Mrs. Harless' house.

I felt kinda bad, because she had literally taken me under her wing and I was living in her house and everything.

"Mrs. Harless, I was've done so much for me, and I know that I'm living here and everything, but as soon as I collect enough money, I'm getting an apartment here in Orlando." I said.

"Don't you worry about it. Michelle, you're like a daughter to me. I'll do anything to help you. Do what you can, but don't push yourself." she said.

I was touched. I was like a daughter to her? How sweet.

She was my manager, but she truly did feel like a mom. Since my mom had died when I was 10, I never had a woman figure in my life. I only had 2 brothers and my dad.

"Thank you, Mrs.'re just like a mother to me," I said.

With the fame from "One Sweet Day", I had to make a name for myself. We had gotten very positive responses from the demo, so, I officially had a record deal. And, I set to work on an album. I was in the recording studio all the time and Justin was always there with me.

I had really grown to care for him. He was really great. He made me feel special inside which no one had ever done. One day, we flew out to New York to do a promotion for MTV. We went into the studio with plushy couches. John Norris was there to interview us.

"Okay, guys. So, we need to know, will you be doing anymore work with Michelle? Or, Michelle will you work with N Sync again?" he said.

"Well, I love working with the guys. I would love to work with them again. But, now I'm working on a solo album and hopefully I'll get to work with them again, but right now, I'm working on my album that should be out this winter." I said.

"Ok, Justin a lot of girls wanna know if you're going out with Michelle?" he said.

"Man, didn't that stop with Britney? No, I'm not going out with Michelle. We just work together. I think she is a great singer and a terrific person, but no romance, sorry..." he replied without batting an eye.

We stayed that day to hang out on TRL. We did an acoustic version of the song, and had a lot of fun.

"So, you and Michelle, nothing going on, right Justin?" Carson said.

"Why does everyone always question Justin about the girls we work with? You know, we're not old geezers.." Chris said.

When we got back to Orlando, I decided to get an apartment of my own. It was cute, affordable, and close to Justin. I decided to throw a housewarming party. Everyone was there. And, I even got a special surprize. There was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I said. I opened the door to see my best friend for 15 years behind the door.

"No way!" I screamed. I hugged her and I could feel tears running down my cheeks. "How did you, how could you...?.." I asked in disbelief.

Shayna stood there and said one simple word. "Justin..." I should've known.

I turned around and gave him a hug. "Thank you," I whispered.

Shayna decided to stay in Orlando, and I told her she was more than welcome to stay at my apartment. The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual.

So, I turned on my discman and put in Mariah Carey, "Ones".

If you can't tell by now, I love Mariah Carey. I was listening to "You'll Always Be My Baby", when Justin walked in. I was singing, "Baby, believe me, it's only a matter of time....Tiiiiiimmmmmmeeee..." when Justin snuck up behind me and kissed my neck.

It scared me at first, and I jumped. Then, I remembered, he had a key. "Oh," I said as I took my my earphones, "you scared me," I said as I gave him a kiss.

"Whatcha wanna do today?" he said. "Well, I wanted to spend some time with Shayna, so I was thinking we could go to the mall. Oh, and bring 1 of the guys, so Shayna wont feel like a third wheel?" I said.

"Sure thing, babe..." he replied. So, we went to the mall. He brought Chris along. At first I didn't think they would hit it off, but sparks were flying when we hit the beach at sunset. They were playing by the water.

"Chris, no! Put me down! No, please!" she yelled. But, he dropped her in the water anyway.

"That's sweet..." I said. "Yeah..." he said.

"Justin? Is something wrong?" I asked. He had seemed rather distant that night.

"No, I was just thinking about how lucky I am."

"Whatcha mean?" I asked.

"Well, I've had success in a great band, I have a wonderful family and you. It can't get any better." he said.

"Oh, I think it could." I said.

"How?" he asked. "With this..." I said as I gave him a kiss. Suddenly, in the middle of this wonderful, nay, extrordinary kiss, I felt water hit me.

I looked up and saw Shayna and Chris laughing their heads off. "Oh, you're dead..." I said as I ran into the water.

"Coming, J?" I said to Justin. "No, I'm waiting for the right moment.." he said with a mischevious grin. Chris got out and he and Justin started whipering something to each other. I walked over to Shayna.

"Having fun?" I said. "You know it....Chris is a blast!" she said. "You two really seem to be hitting it off," I said. "He's a lot of fun..." she said.

Suddenly, we looked to see Justin and Chris running after us with these hilarious looks on their faces.

"Run!" I said. We tried to run in the water, but that's virtually impossible. They got us. Justin picked me up and dropped me in the water. "I am so going to get you," I said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he said as he started laughing.

We went to my apartment to hang out after that. Justin and I sat on the couch trying to watch a movie, but we couldn't take our eyes and lips off of each other. "Ugh. Come on, Shayna...let's go catch a movie.." Chris said.

As soon as they left, Justin said, "My plan worked.." as he gave me a passionate kiss. His lips kissed my neck softly. I loved every minute of it. He stroked my hair and caressed my cheek. I was afraid to think it, much less say it, but I felt like I was in love with Justin.

Do ya want more?
