Chapter 3

I needed to tell Justin how I felt. I went to the mall one day, and when I came back to my apartment, I looked up at my room and I noticed the house was dark except for a dim light that covered the whole living room. I walked in, and I saw candles everywhere and I noticed Justin in the kitchen making something. I went to my room and changed into a black dress that outlined every curve on my body. I put on my heels, and walked downstairs. Justin was sitting at the table when he saw me.

"I didn't know you were already here," he said. He couldn't see me that well, so I walked into the glow of the candlelight.

"Where's Shayna?" I asked.

"Her and Chris went to a romantic dinner. You look....great..." he said.

"Thanks, you too..."

We ate and went into the living room where we sat in front of the fireplace talking. It was so special and romantic.

"Michelle, I have to tell you something..." he said.

"What is it?"

"You know I care a lot about you, and I think you are so special. What I'm trying to say is......well,"

"Justin...." I interupted.

He looked at me. "I do too...." I whispered.

"Well, that was easy enough.." he said as we laughed.

He picked up my chin with his hand. "I love you, baby..." he whispered.

We kissed passionatly for a second, and then Justin began kissing my neck.

I loved every minute of it. Then, he slowly unzipped the back of my dress. I knew I was ready, and it was happening perfectly.

"Baby, are you ready?" he said.

"uh-huh...." I answered as I captured his lips. He led me to my bedroom and locked the door.

He smothered me with kisses as I removed my dress completely and he removed his clothes. The kisses became more and more erotic and passionate. I pulled back the sheets on the bed and laid back on them. He kissed me all over my body. There was a moment of antipation before he entered my body. It was then that I experienced such sexual desire. As I stared into his blue eyes, I knew it was the most magical moment of my life. He was the one who I lost my virginity to. I knew I would remember this for the rest of my life. It was like our bodies, our souls were intertwined. The whole night was perfect. The next morning, I woke up and looked at Justin. I loved him so much. He was truly my soulmate. I put on my silk robe and looked out at the sky. It was too perfect.


I turned around. "You're up,"

"I can't sleep without you near me..." he said. I walked over to him and kissed him lovingly.

That day, we went to Justin's house. When we walked in, Lynn was feeding the boys. "Where have you been, Justin?" she said.

"I went over to Chris' place and slept on the couch, because I was afraid coming in late at night would scare you or the boys. I should've called, I'm sorry...." he said.

"It's okay. Just remember next time, huh?" she said.

"Michelle? What about you?" she said.

I had this sick feeling that she knew what was up.

"Justin just picked me up. We were gonna go to the mall, but I need to figure out some stuff with you about the album." I said.

That night, I was in my apartment lying on my couch wishing that Justin was there to caress my cheek, kiss my neck, or just be there, close to me. Shayna came into the living room with a towel wrapped around her wet head. I sat up as she plopped down on the couch. "You don't look so good....." she said.

"I miss Justin..." I said with my bottom lip sticking out.

"Haha, why don't you go see him?"

"Hello? It's like 12:00 at night. What if I wake someone up?"

"So? All is fair in true love and war...."

"Nah, I'm just gonna go to bed. Good night....."

I went into the bedroom and laid down. The night before, Justin was here. I never knew I could miss someone as much as I did him. Suddenly, I could hear a tap on my window. I thought it was just the wind, but it kept on tapping repeatedly. I looked through the curtains and I saw someone, but I didn't know who it was. I opened the window and said, "Look, I'm trying to sleep..."

"Hey, babe. I missed you..."

It was Justin.

"Me too......get up here, you creep....."

"Creep? Is that how you talk to your boyfriend?"

"No, that's how I talk to you!" I said as I quickly shut the window.

I ran into the living room, where Shayna must have already gone to bed. I looked at myself. A t-shirt and boxers. Not much, but a start. And what did he expect at 12:00 at night? Then, there was a knock on the door.

I gave my hair a quick tease and answered the door. He stood there with his smile. I can't stand that smile. I can never stay mad at him with that smile. But, why would I want to? =) I immediately grabbed his face and gave him a sweet kiss. We went in my room and turned on the TV. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Justin? I think we should move in together...."I said completely out of the blue.

"Where did that come from?" he said in shock.

"You don't want to?" I said with a hurt look on my face.

"Well, I mean, yeah, I guess....."

"Justin, if there is one thing I can't stand, it's not showing your true feelings. Do you really want to be with me?"

"Of course I do. It's just...I'm on the road all the time. And, what would my family think?"

"Your family! Justin, you're 18 years old. I respect your family, but when are you going to start making your own decisions?"

I got out of bed, with my arms crossed.

"I can make my own decisions, Michelle."

"Well, then you need to make one right now. Do you really love me?"

"Michelle, you know I do..."

"Say it, Justin...."

"I love you," he said quickly.

My eyes filled with tears.

"Like you mean it....."

"I love you with all of my heart......"

"Do you want to be with me?" I asked.

"Chelle, I just told you I love you.."

"It's not the same thing, Justin."

"Michelle, of course I want to be with you. But, I'm not ready to move in with you yet. I'd never be home, because of the tour....I don't want to commit to something like that..."

A rush of anger overcame me. "Well, you certainly didn't mind having sex with me! Gee, was I one of your one night stands?"

He just looked at me with a hurt look in his eyes.

"Justin, I gave you my time, my heart, and I gave my virginity to YOU. I love you, and I wanna be with you more than anything. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way. Justin, I never want to see you again!"

"Michelle," he said as he walked over to me with those piercing blue eyes. I had to look away.

"Justin, I thought you truly, truly loved me. I never thought I could ever have the heart, the energy, or the soul to turn you away. But, we were both wrong. Get out..."

He tried to give me a kiss, but I backed away with every ounce of bravery in me. I turned to look at the wall, when I heard my door shut softly. It was then, that I let go. I grabbed a vase off of my table and threw it at the door. Then I realised what I had truly done. My grandmother gave me that vase when I was 10 years old. I sat down on the cold floor and wept. I heard and engine start. I quickly looked outside at him getting in his car. He started the car and drove away. I had one hand up to the window, and then removed it to close my fist.

"...oh my god, what have I done...please bring him back....."

The next morning, I woke up freezing. I had fallen asleep on the floor. I put on my robe and took a quick look in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and puffy. My hair was a mess. More importantly, I was a mess. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Shayna was up making breakfast. I sat down and laid my head in my hands.

"Good morning..." she said cheerfully as she set a glass of orange juice in front of me.

"You look really bad. Do you miss Justin that much?"

"I broke up with him last night." I said, my voice muffled by my hands.

"Oh, no... I'm sorry. What happened....or didn't?"

"Well, I- It's a long story. Tell ya later."

"Michelle? We're best friends. If I ask you questions, will you tell me?" she said in an overly happy voice.

I looked up at her with a disgusted look on my face. "Whatever..."

"Ok. Well, for starters, do you still love him?"

Her voice rang inside my head. I laughed. "Love, love, love. Hmm....I wonder what Justin's definition of love is? Getting a girl to put so much trust in him so he when he gets the chance, he can fuck her?"

Shayna gave me an appalled look.

"Yes, we had sex. SEX, SEX, SEX! We're only 18 years old and we had SEX. Are you happy now?"

"Look, Michelle. I can't tell you what to do with your life. But, if you don't love Justin, and YOU initiated the break-up, don't take it out on me!"

I glared at her. "Well, that's the big problem, because I do love him!" I said angrily.

Then, my voice softened. "I love the way his eyes look into mine as if he could take me to the moon. The way his lips kiss mine so softly. The way his smile makes me weak in the knees....I can't take it, I love him!" I said hysterically as I ran into the living room and cried into a pillow.

Shayna came over and gave me a hug. "Oh, what am I going to do?" I said.

"It's gonna be okay, sweetie. It's gonna be okay, I promise......"

Part 2

I pretty much stayed in my room for the rest of the day. Then, at about 5:00, Shayna came into my room. "Ok, first of all, take a shower....." she said as she began to rummage through my closet.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"We are going to get Justin back. Now, go take a shower and I'll pick out an outfit for you. SHOO!"

I went and took a shower. I was excited by the fact she said we were going to get Justin back, but how? And, where? I came out in my bath robe. I looked on my bed and a blue dress I bought in London was laying there. "Shayna! Come here please!"

She came in there dressed up putting on her right earring. "What is your problem? Just get dressed, do your makeup and do something with that hair!" she said as she walked out of the room.

So, I put on the dress which was too cute. It was a spaghetti strap, baby blue, Justin's color, and outlined my body perfectly. It was kind of short, but all the better I suppose. I curled my hair, and left it down, just like Justin liked. About 30 minutes later, after giving ourselves about 3 double checks, Chris picked us up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Um, some party Johnny's having. See, this way Justin won't make a scene, and you might get him back. You look absolutely gorgeous." Chris said.

Shayna scoffed. "But, there's no one like my baby..." he said as he gave her a kiss. When we arrived, we saw JC outside. He gasped. "Somebody call heaven, they got some angels missing..."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Have you seen Justin anywhere?" he asked.

"Um, yeah I think he's in the backyard..."

"Let's go...." I said as I took Shayna's hand and walked into the house.

"Hey, Johnny! These are my friends, Shayna and Michelle," Chris said.

"Oh, hello." he said.

"Um, do you know where Justin is?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah, he's in the backyard with his girlfriend. Oh, can you excuse me for a moment?" he said as he walked off.

I stood there stunned. "That asshole..." Shayna said.

"Shayna! That's my best friend you're talking about.." Chris said.

"Yeah, well Chris, this is my best friend we're talking about. He said he loved her. You were right, Chelle. A total lie..."

"Ladies, let's talk about this later. Let's go find them first.." Chris said.

We walked out on the patio. A lot of people were there. I looked around until I saw them. Justin and a blonde holding hands by the pool and looking lost in each other's eyes. "Shayna..." I said weakly.

She saw. "damn him, that son of a bitch..." she said.

I stood there until Justin looked up long enough to see me. He stared at me for a second and made his way over to where I was. I walked into the house with a tear falling down my face. I heard the door open and shut.

"Chelle, I need to talk to you..." he said.

"Don't "Chelle" me, you fucking asshole! Where's the blond bitch?" I said not even looking at him.

"Her name is Debra and don't get upset..."

"Don't get upset? Don't get upset?! Last night you could have sworn you loved me and less than a day later, you have another girl? What are you, some kind of perverted freak? Don't answer that. I never want to see you again as long as I live. Yesterday I would have given you my life, Justin. Right now and from now on, I don't give a fuck about you. So, stay out of my life....FOREVER!" I said as I turned around and looked at him.

"I do love you, I want to be with you. Please don't do this, Michelle..."

"I'll do whatever the hell I want. I was going to apoligize tonight. I wore a dress of YOUR favorite color, I wore my hair down for YOU, I even wore the perfume YOU liked. It was all about you, Justin. But now, we need to stay away from each other. I love you, Justin. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way."

I reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, but it turned into a very deep and passionate kiss on the lips.

"Old time's sake....." I said as I grabbed my purse and walked out of the house.

Whoa, quite a cliffhanger. See if they find love once again here.