Chapter 4

I walked out the door and I saw JC.

"God, are you just not a public person?" I said with tears still in my eyes.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"Well, your best friend who swore he loved me got another girl in less than 24 hours. I was really trying to make things right between us, you know? I mean, why would he pull something like that?"

"I have no idea. You wanna talk somewhere else?"

"Yeah, I'd like that...let's go back to my place," I said.

So, we got in his car and went to my apartment. "Come on in," I said as I took off my heels and sat down on the couch. He sat down beside me.

"So Michelle, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. But, can you answer me one question? Why did I ever go out with that prick?"

"Chelle, don't say anything you might regret later."

I was startled. He called me Chelle. Lots of people called me Chelle, but when he said it, I don't know, it was nice. I took a good look at him. He was very good-looking tonight. A navy blue shirt and some khakis. He was actually extremely good-looking.

"Chelle! Quit! You love Justin, remember?" I told myself.

"Jc, I just want someone to respect and love me. Justin did, I thought, but why would he do that to me? I loved him so much..."

I hated to think about it, but I wanted to kiss his lips so badly.

"I know you did, Michelle. I don't know why he did that. Maybe I should talk to him." he said.

"Okay, thanks for talking to me, JC. You're great.." I said as I gave him a hug. But, we only seperated a little. I looked deep into his eyes. We slowly moved closer to each other until he caught my lips. At first it was a sweet kiss, but his tounge soon entered my mouth. Before I knew it, my back was on the couch and he was slightly hovering over me. His hands roamed my body as he kissed my neck.

Then, something horrible happened.

"What the hell?"

I looked up and saw Justin standing at the door with a hurt look on his face.

I was in too much shock, I couldn't say anything. We immedietely sat up.

"JC? Michelle? How could you...?........Why would you...I'm outta here..."

"No, Justin wait!" I yelled. Jc walked out of the apartment.

"How could you do this to me, Chelle?"

"Justin, I was so upset about seeing you with that girl, and everything.....I flipped, okay? I turned to the only person that was around."

"Oh, and if Shayna was around, would you have made out with her too?"

"I guess I deserved that. But what right do have walking in a party with a blonde on your arm? Did you think no one would notice? Are you that oblivious?"

"Michelle, Debra has been a friend of mine for years. I didn't bring her. I carry no shame of going somewhere stag. She was there and I turned to her for help. I thought I had lost you forever last night, and I didn't know what to do without my best friend."

"Your best friend?"

"You, Michelle. You are the one that I dream about at night. You are the one that makes me who I am inside. I was wrong last night. I want to spend every moment of every day with you. You complete me. Please say that you'll forgive me."

I began to cry. That was the most beautiful thing I ever heard in my life.

"Justin?" I whispered, "can you forgive me?"

I ran into his arms and hugged him.

"It's a good thing you wore that blue dress. I might not have come back..." he said.

I laughed as I wiped a tear from my eye. He took my hand and placed it on the side of his face. "I love you, Justin. You're the best..."

The next day, I called JC.


"Jc? It's Michelle."

"Oh, hey. How did it go last night?"

"Jc, before we get to that, I want to say 2 things. First of all, I'm sorry for putting you in that prediciment. Did you talk to Justin?"

"Yeah, we worked it all out."

"And, the second thing is......thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there when I needed you the most. You helped me figure out what I needed inside. And, what happened last night will never happen again. I hope it doesn't destroy our friendship."

"No, no. If anything, it made it stronger. I'm just happy you guys worked it all out."

"Thanks. That was really sweet. Well, I got to go, but I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, I love a friend of course..."

I laughed. "Me too, talk to you later. Bye,"

Weeks later, Justin officially moved into my apartment. And, Shayna got one in Orlando. She and Chris were really heating up.

"Chris, let's go somewhere....." Shayna said as she sat down on the couch.

"Where?" Chris replied as he looked up from his work.

"Anywhere. The beach, the movies, the mall..."

Chris snuck up behind her and kissed her neck.

"How about the stars....."

"That would be a nice place too..." she said as they kissed. Shayna pulled him over the couch and onto it. They were now gazing into each other's eyes. The closeness was unbearable. Shayna wanted to kiss him so badly. Soon they leaned in and shared a kiss. Chris ran his hands through Shayna's brown hair. It was so soft. It began to turn into an extremely passionate kiss. Then, Shayna pulled away and looked into his eyes. He began to lovingly kiss her neck.

"Chris?" she said.

"Yeah," he replied still kissing her neck.

She took a deep breath before she said, "I think......I love you.."

He sat up and looked at her. "So what are you so afraid of?" he said and smiled.

Shayna started laughing. "Stop it! Be serious for a sec. How do you feel?"

He kissed her fingers one by one. "I love you too..." he said as they shared another kiss.

I had been working really hard in the studio lately. One day I was recording a song called, "I'll Always Be Here". I was having such a hard day, and I was missing some notes.

"Michelle, sweetie...come on just relax." Dawn, the girl in the recording booth said.

"Ok, ok.....I can do this..." I said.

The music started again. I sang the first line and screwed it up.

Then, I noticed Justin came in and took a seat. That immediately brought a smile to my face. "Um, Dawn? Start the music again. I'll get it right this time.." I said.

I did that part of the song perfectly.

"Michelle, that was perfect. That's a wrap for today, everyone, we'll see you all tomorrow."

I took off my headphones and went into the booth. Dawn was gone and Justin was sitting down with a bouquet of roses.

"Hi, baby......" I said.

I walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

He had a sullen look on his face with a forced smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"Well, we just found out that we have to leave for our tour in 2 days."

I was shocked. "2 days, but I'll be in the studio..."

"I know, I'll be gone for about a month....."

"A month? An entire month? Where are you going?"

"Europe. This is actually a good tour. Most of them last for months at a time."

"But.....Europe......" I whispered.

"I don't want to do this, really I don't. God, if only I had met you before the group..."

"We wouldn't have loved each other before the group. We'd still be 14!"

He laughed. "What are you going to do while I'm gone?" he said as he looked over at me.

"Hmm...I don't think the Backstreet Boys are on tour. And, that Nick is just so cute...."

"Oh, you are so going to get it now!" he said as he started tickling me.

"No, no, Justin! Please stop! I was just kidding, please!"

"Ok, I'll stop!" he said as I sat in his lap.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. "You are too cute. It's impossible not to love you." he said.

"You're pretty cute yourself. Justin...don't forget me..."I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Forget you? I'm only gonna be gone a month!"

"Yeah, but those European girls can be very seductive. I spent 2 weeks in London; I know."

"Don't worry....if someone comes on to me, I'll call you right away and you can judo chop her or something....."

I laughed. "So what? We're an Austin Powers movie now?" I asked regarding his remark.

"Yeah, baby, yeah..." he said in a sexy voice as he kissed me.

"C'mon...let's get out of here...." he said.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a secret..." he said as he kissed my cheek.

(Ok, I have to switch the storyline to third person omnicient right now. It just makes the story better!)

Jc sat on the couch in his apartment contemplating the events of the weeks before. Maybe Michelle didn't feel anything in that kiss, but he did. But, he couldn't say a word. Justin was his best friend and hurting him like that was way too extreme. But, he had begun to care for Michelle in a way no one has ever made him feel before. Her smile was breathtaking, her eyes a mystery to their beauty. But, he decided to shake his head of such thoughts. She was Justin's and from the way things were going, it was going to be like that for a long time.

That night JC woke in a panic. His body was shaking and he was sweaty all over. He took a deep breath and laid back down. But, it was killing him. He couldn't stand not revealing his true feelings. He reached over and picked up the phone. He was calling a friend, but found himself dialing Michelle's cell phone number.

"Hi, this is Michelle. I'm not here right now, obviously, but leave a message and I will get back to you later. Stay N Sync! Bye!" "BEEP!"

"Um, Michelle? Hi, this is JC. Um, I need to talk to you, so can you call me soon? Thanks a lot, bye..."

As he hung up the phone, he took a deep breath and rested on the pillow. As he stared at the ceiling he whispered, "Why must loving a person be so hard? Oh, yeah....because my best friend loved her first..."

Oooh, things are going good with Chris and Shayna. But, wait....JC loves Michelle too? Uh-oh, I sense a talk show coming into play..."Feuding Band Members, I Love Your Girlfriend!" And, just where is Justin taking Michelle? Click here to find out!