Chapter 2

I walked into a restaurant in the hotel called "Mallards". (Note: I performed (singing) here Saturday night. It was so awesome!)

I took a seat up front to listen to the live music scheduled for that evening. I sipped on a Sprite while I contemplated the evening's events. I looked out the window at a passing horse and carriage. There was a couple in the white carriage looking happy. I don't know why but my thoughts wandered over to me and Justin. Where did we stand now? Were we best friends, just friends, or even aquantences. I had no idea. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I gasped, but I turned around to see JC.

"Oh hey, JC. What's up?" I said.

He took a seat next to me. "Justin told me what happened..."

"Oh....." was all I said.

"Brandy, listen to me. Briana means nothing to him...."

"JC, we aren't kids anymore. How can a girl who stays in his hotel room and obsesses over every move he makes mean nothing to him...."

"Because, he loves you..." he said.

I looked up at him in shock. "Well, yeah....I mean we've always loved each other. We've known each other since we were practically babies..." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so. Well, would you like me to drive you home?" he said as we stood up.

"Uh, JC, I will....." a voice said.

I turned around to see Justin standing behind us.

"What about Bria..."

"SHE'S asleep....." Justin said as he smiled.

"Well, okay....I guess...." I said.

"Come in...I'll give you a tour......" I said as we walked into my house.

I took him through the house and finally got an old box down from my closet. We sat down on the couch.

"What is it?" he asked.

I opened the box slowly, and pulled out the photographs. It was us growing up.

"Brandy.......oh my gosh...." he whispered as he carefully picked them up.

We looked through them all.

"Thank you.." he finally said.

"For what?"

"For holding on to us after all these years......"

"It's mean everything to me Justin. This just verifies it...." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry about tonight...." he said.

"Hey, I can't help it if I'm not some high-class model. But, I make enough money to support myself and anyone else......if she wants to be a bitch, let her be a bitch, what can I possibly say?" I said.

I slowly looked up at him. He just looked at him as if he just wanted me to say something else. He raised his hand to my face as we moved closer together. Suddenly, our lips met. It started as just a kiss, but slowly developed into a burst of emotions held up for 6 years. I parted my lips to accept his, and shortly after, we were both enjoying each other's presence. He looked up at me with his blue eyes, and pulled away. He took my face in his hands and slowly began to kiss me again. When we finally, pulled away, he rubbed my hair gently.

"I want to be with you.....not Briana..." he whispered.

I just nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Some people say that platonic friends are a waste of time. You eventually fall in love with them anyway. But, others say if this happens, break it off. It will ruin the friendship. I was worried about this, but I didn't say a word.

The next day, I drove down Beale Street slowly admiring all of the things Memphis was famous for. I saw Sun Records, the same place where Elvis first recorded, and all of the familiar things. I drove up to the Hard Rock and walked in.

"Mandy! Hey!!!" I said excitedly. "No time for heys, we have such a busy day ahead of us. Go and get table 12, okay?" she said as she quickly prepared drinks.

"Okay..." I said as I grabbed my apron and my order pad. I walked up to the table to see a crying person holding her head in her hands.

"Miss? Are you okay?" I said.

The face slowly looked up at me and I gasped. It was Briana. I stood there, stonefaced, hoping she wouldn't cause a scene.

"Did you tell him to break up with me?" she said coldly.

"Excuse me?" I asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Justin just broke up with me.......thanks to you...."

"Did he uh, say anything?" I asked.

"He said he needs his space. But, if you ask me, you did something to him. And, when I find out what, believe'll be sorry. I can get you out of this job and any job so fast it will make your tiny head spin...."

I stood there speechless.

"Would you like to order anything?" I said sharply.

"Not from here...." she said in disgust. "I just came to lay down the law.......Justin is mine and will always be mine.........he has all the money to get my modeling career on the right track. So, you need to back off..." she said.

"What's going on here?" a voice said. I turned around to see Mandy.

"Who are you? Another waitress?" Briana said.

"Amanda Morris. MANAGER of O' Malleys Sports Bar. Now, you need to leave my restaurant right now before I call the cops...."

"You can't kick me out......" she said.

"How much do you wanna bet, sweetie?" Mandy said.

Briana got up and stormed out.

"Thanks,'re a life saver..." I said.

"Well, I can't bail you out all the time....but, hey I'll give you the rest of the day off...." she said.

"What? A day off? You've got to be kidding, I need the money..." I said.

"Don't worry about the money......besides, somebody wants to see you..." she said as she pointed to the door.

I turned around to see Justin sitting in his car. I gasped.

"So, you uh, snagged him on the first day, huh?" Mandy said.

"Mandy, thank you so much! I'll pay you back one day...." I said as I ran out of the door. I slowly crept around to Justin's side and popped my head up.

He looked shocked for a moment, but he laughed. I ran around and got in on the passenger side.

"Hey....I just saw Briana...." I said as I got in.

"I dumped her....I told you I didn't want to be with're so much more special in every way...." Justin said.

"'re really special to me too....." I said.

We drove and drove. I had no idea where we were headed to.

"Justin, where exactly are we going?" I asked. "Do you remember when we were about 7, and our moms would take us to that park?"

"Yeah....." I said.

"I want to go back....." he said.

" you remember the way?" I asked.

"Like magic.....nothing about this place escapes me...."

When we got there, we went exactly to our secret spot. It wasn't anything, really. Just an old fort that someone built. We always went in there to trade basketball cards or something. It was OUR spot. We slowly walked in.

"I can't believe it's still here..." I said in shock.

"I know.....but, haven't you been back here?" he asked.

"Not since you left. It's not the same without you...." I said as I sat down.

He sat next to me and held my hands. "I don't want to even think about how much of your life, of our life....I missed..."

"So don't..." I said as I laid my head gently on his chest.

He lifted my chin with his hand and softly kissed my lips.

"Okay...." he said.

That night, I picked up Mandy and we went to the hotel so she could meet the guys.

"Are you ready?" I said.

"I think so...." she said nervously.

I slowly opened the door to reveal JC, Justin, and Lance watching TV.

"Hey guys.....we're here!!!!!" I said.

We walked over the the couch.

"Hey, Justin....." I said as I gave him a kiss.

"JC, Justin, and Lance, this is Amanda Morris...." I said.

"Mandy......hi, nice to meet you all..." she said as she shook their hands.

"Rachel should be here any minute and then we can go....." Lance said. Rachel was his girlfriend. He hadn't seen her in over 5 months. She was coming to spend the time with him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Justin yelled.

The door opened and a woman with shoulder-length brown hair walked in.

"Rachel....." Lance said.

"Oh my god, Lance?!?" she said.

He ran to her and picked her up.

"I missed you so much..." he whispered.

"I missed you too...." she said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

They shared a brief kiss before Lance spoke. "Rachel, this is Brandy, Justin's girlfriend. And this is Mandy, Brandy's friend." he said.

"Nice to meet you both. So, uh, where are we going tonight?" she asked.

"Well, we can always go to a club.." Justin suggested.

We decided to go, so we grabbed our stuff and left.


At the club......


We walked in, and everyone seemed to be having fun.

"C'mon, Justin......let's dance," I said as I grabbed his waist.

We walked out and started dancing. I was having fun until I noticed Briana standing over by the bar.

"Justin..." I said.

"What?" he replied as he turned around. He saw what I was talking about.

"God, what is she doing here?" he said.

"Justin, it's okay. It's a club, I mean...people come here all the time. She'll stay away, don't worry..." I said.

We kept on dancing, but I could tell his mind was on her.

"You know what? Go talk to her...." I said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Obviously you 2 have some unsettled business. Just speak to her, okay? It would make me feel better...." I said.

He walked over to her and I went into our private lounge reserved for us. Lance and Rachel were in a serious make-out session on the couch.

"Sorry guys...." I said as I plopped down on the couch. They immediately separated, somewhat embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Rachel said.

"Oh, nothing.....just my boyfriend is talking to his ex-girlfriend."

"Briana? I never liked her. Why would Justin do a thing like that?" she said.

"Because I told him to..." I said softly.

Lance peeked out the curtain and softly gasped.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I shot up.

"Uh, nothing...listen, why don't you and Rachel sit and talk while I go get us some drinks, ok?" he said nervously.

I gently pushed him aside and peeked out. I couldn't believe what I saw. Justin and Briana were dancing.

I laughed nervously.

"Oh, come on....they're just dancing, I mean....wh...." I stopped dead in my tracks. Their lips had just joined in a lasting kiss.

"No....." I whispered.

I ran out to get my coat which meant passing Justin.

I stared at him with cold eyes. "How could you? We were just....." I said but I never finished. I got my coat and ran out to my car. As I got in, the tears began to pour down my face in an uncontrollable rush of mixed emotions.

I heard the door open on the passenger side and Justin got in.

"Baby, I'm so sorry...." were the first words he said.

"You're sorry? You're SORRY? No, I'm sorry, Justin. I'm sorry for ever becoming your friend again, I'm sorry for kissing you, and I'm sorry for falling in love with you so deeply that you're all I can ever think about. Do us both a favor, Justin. Stay away from me. I never EVER want to see you again. Get out." I said.

"We can work this out....." he pleaded.

"GET OUT!!!!!" I screamed. He opened the door and left. I drove home on a dark and desolate road of cold deceit and tears.

Chapter 3
