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Confessional Position
Preparatory Department
Theological Department
Admission and Lodging
2008-2009 Yearly Schedule for TD
2008-2009 Daily Schedule
Service in Congregations
Summer quarter

Admission and Lodgins


Ordinarily, students are admitted to the Preparatory Department on the basis of the following criteria:

  • communicant membership in a Lutheran congregation, usually a congregation of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church or of a church body in fellowship with the Ukrainian Lutheran Church;
  • personal and spiritual fitness, as indicated especially by a pastoral letter of recommendation;
  • academic fitness, as indicated especially by a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a recognized institute, college, or university;
  • physical and emotional fitness, as indicated especially by a standard health certificate;
  • a willingness to serve eventually as a pastor in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church or in a church body in fellowship with the Ukrainian Lutheran Church.

Exceptions to some aspects of these criteria can be made according to individual circumstances. Admissions are determined by an Admissions Committee consisting of:

  • the Rector of the seminary (or his representative),
  • the Bishop of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (or his representative), and
  • the Chairman of the ULC Education Committee (or his representative).

Application forms can be obtained from the Administration of the Seminary.

Ordinarily, students are admitted to the Theological Department on the basis of having successfully completed the curriculum of the Preparatory Department, which would include the acquisition of a working knowledge of Greek, a conceptual knowledge of Hebrew, and a basic knowledge of Lutheran theology. The various criteria that were used as the basis for admission to the Preparatory Department are also reviewed at this time. Admissions are again determined by the Admissions Committee as described above.

The standards for admission to the seminary are also the standards for continuation in the seminary. A student may be dismissed from either department if he fails to maintain one or more of these standards, namely, communicant membership in a Lutheran congregation, personal and spiritual fitness, academic fitness, physical and emotional fitness, and a willingness to serve eventually as a Lutheran pastor. Dismissals are also determined by the Admissions Committee.


The students themselves take care of their food and lodging. We encourage the students to move to Ternopil' with their wives and children for the time of studying in the Seminary. Due to the financial support of the Thoughts of Faith the Seminary may give help to a student who needs additional financial support for his wife and children while staying in Ternopil.