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Summer quarter


September 4, 2007

Off to a Flying Start -- St. Sophia Summer Quarter

President Wendland teaching "Paul and Culture" course at Summer Quarter 2007

This past June the Ukrainian Lutheran Church’s seminary in Ternopil’ began a new program of graduate-level study for pastors. Before this, pastors who wanted to continue their education and so better equip themselves for ministry needed to travel to the United States and take courses in English. Now they can study in Ternopil’ taking courses taught by U.S. professors but translated into Ukrainian or Russian or any other language needed. The credits earned in these courses will be accepted by the other seminaries of our worldwide fellowship and can lead to a Master of Sacred Theology degree.

Students from all Europe at Summer Quarter 2007

The new program has met an enthusiastic response. Two one-week courses were offered in June. Dr. John Brug of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary taught the first course on Archaeology which was attended by eleven, including a guest student from Norway and another from Siberia. President Paul Wendland, also of WLS, taught on Paul and Culture the second week. This course was attended by 18 including four pastors from Latvia as well as the Norwegian and Siberian.

Each professor also taught a course for our regular seminary students. Two guest students from Georgia attended Dr. Brug’s course, while five Scandinavians attended President Wendland’s. In all, a total of 32 different men took courses in June, including 12 pastors and one deacon from the ULC. Students who needed lodging stayed at the seminary and in rented apartments. A financial grant from Thoughts of Faith covered travel and living costs for those who needed such assistance.

Next year’s Summer Quarter has already been planned for June 9-20. The enthusiastic response to this first year has led to expansion next year. Three professors have agreed to come and offer courses.