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September 4, 2007

Two from Two before Two

Graduates from two countries in the presence of two bishops.

Left to right: Pastor Oleh Yukhymenko, Rector John Vogt, Eduard Polkovnikov, Oleksandr Feshchenko, President John Moldstad, Bishop V'yacheslav Horpynchuk

September 4 was a long and eventful day for two young men. First there were the overnight train rides to Ternopil’, home of St. Sophia Seminary. Then came their final exam – an oral examination by the ULC’s bishop and the seminary’s rector. After passing the exam, it was a trip to the church for their graduation service. A cake and coffee reception and the overnight train ride home again capped their long day.

Oleksandr Feshchenko of Ukraine and Eduard Polkovnikov of Moldova have now completed their four-year seminary training and are beginning their year of vicar service.

Oleksandr, who had previously attend a Baptist seminary and served a number of years as a Baptist pastor, will now serve the congregation in Tokmak in Southern Ukraine.

Eduard will return to Moldova, Europe’s poorest country and one where the government forbids nearly all evangelism and outreach efforts. Eduard has been called to attempt to begin a congregation in a town which had had a Lutheran congregation before Communism closed it. The local metropolitan of the Orthodox Church has said that, if a Lutheran congregation is reestablished, he will consider giving back a church building which formerly belonged to the Lutheran church.

Rector John Vogt preached the sermon for the graduation service on the theme: “The Pulpits in our Congregations are Precious and Powerful.” He also presented the diplomas, but refrained from the three kisses of each man which Ukrainian custom calls for. The congregation’s choir and soloist Ruth Kovaciny added beautifully to the worship.

Unique to the service was the presence of two bishops – V'yacheslav Horpynchuk of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church and “Bishop” (i.e. President) John Moldstad of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Both spoke words of congratulations and encouragement to the graduates. President Moldstad was in town because he was teaching a two-week course at St. Sophia Seminary.

Thoughts of Faith will be providing financial support for both Oleksandr and Eduard during their year of vicar service.