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Confessional Position
Preparatory Department
Theological Department
Admission and Lodging
2008-2009 Yearly Schedule for TD
2008-2009 Daily Schedule
Service in Congregations
Summer quarter


October 4, 2007

Student Evangelism Projects

The students have undertaken a number of evangelism projects. On two occasions they distributed invitations to the English classes sponsored by Ternopil’ congregation as a means of outreach to the community.

Our most exciting evangelism experience took place in Kamyanets-Poldiskiy. The seminary students, along with part of the seminary staff, Pastor Mentor and Mrs. Warnke, my wife and me, joined Pastor Andruntsiv for a day of passing out invitations and literature near the city market. After two hours and 15 minutes we had to shut down and go home, even though we were planning on staying four hours. We had given out everything we had -- almost all with some words to those who took something. We sent runners to the printer three times to print out more invitations and Roman back to his church twice to bring more literature until we cleaned out everything he had in his closets.

Several people even came back a second time and asked for more, saying they had given away what they had taken. In all, we gave out 800 invitations to worship and about 2,000 evangelism tracts and booklets. I walked two blocks in each direction to check trashcans to see if people were throwing things away and found only six pieces (which I took back and we gave to someone else.)