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December 24, 1999 - Friday

Christmas Eve

I had an annoying day today. My classes went well. I decided to do a repeat of last year, with Merry Christmas Mr Bean. It's a good video for students, because he doesn't do a lot of talking, and he touches on a lot of western Christmas customs.

So why was it annoying? I asked someone to do something for me (that was important to me) and she didn't, then I sort of got the feeling that someone else was mad at me.

Some good things happened though. My morning class gave me a present of a scarf! I got a couple of cards too, one from that class and another from someone else. One of my students gave us a Christmas cake too. That was really good.
And, my Cosmopolitan arrived today. Yay!

It's funny, the little pleasures in life that mean so much to me.

For example, tonight as I started to write this, I came across a show with Masayoshi Yamazaki performing on a US radio station. That was pretty cool.

Anyway, I sure hope that Santa knows my address. I don't have a chimney. How will he get in? Maybe I should leave my balcony unlocked? Maybe not.

My next entry might be a bit late, so don't wait up ;-) . Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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