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April 11, 2000 - Tuesday

Before I went to bed on Monday, I called my friend Donna in Canada. We talked for almost an hour! As a result I was very tired when I went to bed, but it was worth it. I haven't called her in a long time. She just had a baby so she was telling me all the details. She's got a handful now!

I woke up this morning to the sounds of Jimmy Nail and then Dean Martin. A very nice way to wake up...

The morning was cloudy but as I started to leave for work it was okay. However, when I was two blocks from my office it started to hail. Lucky me! I made it to work without getting too wet.

Work went quite well today. Sadly, my last class didn't happen, but the others were great. I had a new student in one of them and I didn't have a chance to talk to her before or after. Still, things were fine!

After work I did a bit of arranging of furniture in my other classroom and then I went home. I stopped briefly in the grocery store and then came home and watched the second part of Moll Flanders. It was great! After that I popped in "Little Voice". It's great. Jane Horrocks is amazing.

When the movie is over I'm going to go to bed!

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