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April 10, 2000 - Monday

Another busy day! It will nice to get back to work so I can have some rest again. I went to bed late last night, somewhere around 4. Why do I do that to myself? I dunno!

I got up reasonably early, around 9:30 am. I ate some breakfast and did a load of laundry. Then I left. I decided to hit the bank first and ask for travellers cheques. I was a bit nervous, because I didn't know if anyone would be able to understand me, but the guy who helped me spoke English.

After that I went to the post office to buy my revenue stamps and then I went to check out the train schedule. I had to wait a while for the train, so I went shopping...but I didn't buy a heck of a lot.

I caught the train, arrived in Sakata and made my way over to the Immigration Office. It was a nice walk, a little windy, but not bad. I met up with another foreigner that I know slightly from Tsuruoka. I did my business, and even though they (she was with her friend) offered me a ride back, I wanted to go shopping.

I went shopping, again I didn't really buy anything. I headed back to the train station and found that the train wasn't going to leave for an hour so I just basically hung around. I should have gone for a meal, but I didn't have the energy!

Back in Tsuruoka I rode home in the rain and ended up staying home all night. I rented a video but I haven't watched it yet. I got a call from my friend Pamella and then took a long hot bath. It was nice.

Outside right now it is raining again. In fact it sounds like it is pouring, and darn nasty. I just discovered that Jerry Springer is on TV right now. I'm not sure I'm happy about that. Japanese people already feel that Westerners are strange, a show like Jerry Springer won't help that!

Anyway, I'll be off to bed now. Have a good one! ..

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