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April 16-19, 2000 - Holiday

April 16, 2000

On Sunday I woke up early enough, took a shower and did my last minute getting ready. I took a taxi to the train station, and I was tons early so I just stood around and waited. I got on the train, found my seat and had a nice trip. I did a bit of writing on the train, but otherwise it was a quiet and pleasant time. The problem appeared when we got to Niigata. We were supposed to arrive with 10 minutes to spare between the train's arrival and the Shinkansen's departure. Well, our train was late. We had to run. Silly me, I picked up my suitcase and ran up the stairs with it. The man at the ticket gate just waved me through and I got on the train and found my seat. Then I started to cough. I couldn't stop. I was coughing so hard that I thought I'd throw up! I had to get up and go and cough in-between the cars for a bit. Then I needed a drink too. I had a nice bento on the train, and the actual ride was great.

In Tokyo station I had to find the place where I could catch the Airport Express. I made a mistake at one place, but then I found it and had to wait for a while. It was interesting people-watching. My train finally arrived and I got on. It was a very quiet and unexciting ride. At Narita I got out and tried to find the place to pick up my ticket. I walked all over before I finally found the place. That was quite a line-up! Then I had to check my baggage. That meant another line.

Finally I checked my bag, and did a bit of shopping in the airport. I bought a book and a magazine in the airport. Then, it was time to get on the plane.

I went through the metal detector, no problem, and then went over to the departure lounge. I was hungry so I had something in the airport. It wasn't too bad. Then, I boarded the plane.

The plane ride was uneventful. The film was "The Bachelor" with Chris O'Donnell. It wasn't great, but it was okay. Probably good for the plane. Supper on the plane was Seafood Pasta, not bad, but not terrific. I flew on Continental, it was okay. I think it was my first time on an American airline company. The plane ride was pretty uneventful. There was a bit of turbulence, but nothing major.

We arrive in Guam on time. I noticed the humidity as soon as I got off the plane. I went through customs and immigration without too much trouble, but I did get a bit of polite grilling. I think they were worried that I planned to stay in Guam illegally or something. They seemed to think it was strange that a Canadian working in Japan would want to visit Guam for a holiday. Whatever! As I was leaving the customs area I saw a man who was holding up a sign with my name on it. This was the guy from the hotel. (I've always wanted someone to hold up a sign for me at the airport!) He drove me to the hotel, which was a long way from the airport. He told me a bit about the island and the places that we were passing. It was really dark and I was quite tired so I didn't know what I was looking at really.

At the hotel, I went into my room and turned on the TV. It was fun to channel surf, most channels were in English. Yay! Finally, around 3 I think, I went to bed after putting the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.

April 17, 2000 - Monday

I hope no-one is too disappointed with me, but I spent a lot of time in my room on this day. It was such a treat to see English TV again. I did of course go out. I went to buy sunscreen and then I went back to my room to put it on. When it was slathered everywhere, I went for lunch. There was a restaurant as part of the hotel so I went there. I had a hamburger. The first real live hamburger that I'd had in a year. It was really good...I had mushrooms on it, with French fries and a Diet Coke. Yum. I really enjoyed it.

After lunch, I went for a walk. I walked along the main road, looking for a post office to buy stamps. It was really hot and I couldn't find it. I did however find a small grocery store so I bought some snacks and wonder of wonders, a can of A&W root beer. I asked the ladies there about the post office, but I didn't feel like walking further, so I returned to the hotel. I drank my root beer and I swear, I was in heaven! I watched some TV, including Kids in the Hall, Scarecrow and Mrs. King and Saturday Night Live. Then, I decided to go out again.

This time I explored the hotel. I discovered the ocean. Wow. The hotel was right on the ocean. There were crabs running on the sand, and the sea was blue and clear. Yes, there were palm trees. It was amazing! I looked at the pool too, but didn't want to go for a dip right away. Then I headed back to my hotel room.

Ah yes, my hotel. How was it? It was okay. The room was nice. I had a double bed, with a big TV and a kitchenette. I used the built in fridge a lot to hold my bottled water and to hold the pop that I bought. It was clean but a bit shabby. There were a few bugs, but I would imagine that that would be pretty common for the island. The towel rack in the bathroom came apart on me when I took my towel off it once!

Around 6 pm I decided that I really should go outside again. So, I went and watched the sun set. It was beautiful. Only the other guests watching from their balconies disturbed me, but I usually managed to ignore them. It was nice to sit outside and just relax and watch the amazing sight that nature provided.

After the sun was nearly gone, I went to the office to book the shuttle for the next day. I wanted to go shopping. That done, I went to the small store and bought more water and some postcards. After that I headed back to the restaurant and ordered some take-out. I took it out to my room and ate it there.

I had some appetizers and some chicken chow mein while I watched the end of "The Witches". Supper was good, but I had too many appetizers and couldn't eat all of the chow mein!

I wrote postcards and watched TV for the rest of the night. It sounds a bit dull, I'm sure, but I really don't care! I went to bed around 4 I think.

April 18, 2000 - Tuesday

Although I had set the alarm before I woke up, it didn't work. There'd been a power outage overnight! I showered, slathered on the sunscreen again and headed out to wait for the shuttle. After a few minutes, I went to the office to inquire about it and was told it was running a bit late. Sigh. I should have listened. I waited a bit longer and around 11 we left. They dropped me off at K-mart.

I had a quick peek in the K-mart, but I wanted to look around the island a bit first, so I took a trolley bus and did a bit of sightseeing. Guam is beautiful, and I wished I'd had more time to explore more of it. I went on a circuit back to K-mart and then got off and went in another direction. I went to the Guam Premium Outlets. I planned originally to go to the Micronesia Mall, but I saw there was a movie playing at GPO that I wanted to see, so I got off! I walked through the mall and mentally marked the places I wanted to go. Then, I found the theatre. My movie, High Fidelity, wasn't playing for an hour, so I decided to eat. I had a lot of choices, but I decided to go to a Mongolian barbeque type place. It was really good. I haven't eaten that type of food in a while. When I was finished I went back to the theater and bought my ticket.

What was it like going back to a Western style movie theatre after the ones in Japan? Wonderful. I'm sorry to be a snob, but in Japan the theatres that I've been to are shabby, with bad sound and uncomfortable seats. And there is no butter on their popcorn, when they do make popcorn.

I went to High Fidelity with my hero, John Cusack. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Stephen Frears was the director, and I like his films generally.

After the film, I had a cup of gourmet coffee...yum, and proceeded to go shopping. I found a pair of Rockport Sandals that I liked, and in another store a couple of Calvin Klein T-shirts. Then I had just made up my mind to leave when I saw a resort wear shop and I went in. They were really helpful and I ended up buying a long black and white dress. The bodice is gathered and it has a lace up the front. The pattern is the sun and the moon and stars....nice. I'm not sure where I'll wear it, maybe around the house? but it's very nice.

Then it was time to catch the trolley back to K-mart. In the store, I found a lot of things that I wanted to try on, so I took 8 things to the dressing room. Some things didn't look good, and others did! I came out and I had about 5 things I wanted to buy. I put them in a cart and went to look for more. I went back again with a lot of stuff! Most of it fit, but some things I decided not to buy as it was similar to stuff I already owned or not good for work, etc. It was a treat to be able to shop and not worry about language or size.

After I filled up my cart with clothes for the outside, I went and bought some stuff for underneath. :-) That was nice too.
Then I hit the toy department to see if anything was good for my the medicine part to get more cold medicine and that kind of thing. I looked for some omiyage type things for my co-workers and got them something that is a bit offbeat I think. I hope they like the things I got for them! It was getting a bit late, so I decided it was time to head for the door. I went through the check out and the bill was over $200! Oh well. I paid, and as I did, I wondered how on earth I was going to get everything I bought back in my suitcase. I brought a very small one!

Then I went outside to wait. And I waited. And I waited some more. My time to be picked up was 10 pm. At 11 I walked over to the gas station to use the phone, but there was a guy using it and didn't seem to be in any hurry to get off the phone. Sigh. Yes, there were phones in the K-mart, but they were both broken. So, I walked back to K-mart. Then, after about 20 more minutes I went back to the station. I phoned the hotel and found out that the man was running late. (No kidding, I think I figured that out for myself.) He would be there soon. It wasn't a big consolation.

He did arrive a few minutes after I got back to the store, made a brief and not very convincing apology and drove me back to the hotel. I was still pretty mad, but what on earth could I do? Not much!

I packed my suitcase when I got back to my room. Amazingly, I got almost everything in. I had brought my backpack with me to put extra stuff in, and I put the magazines I had bought for the trip back. That was about it.

I had hoped to take a swim in the pool when I got back to help me relax before bed, but I didn't have time. I was going to have to get up in 2 hours. I set my alarm and hoped for the best!

April 19, 2000 - Wednesday

Well, 3 am came very soon. I got up, showered and did the final pack up of things. Then I checked my room one last time and left. I had to check out, which I did and then we drove to the airport.

The airport was busy, even at 4:30 am. I checked my baggage and went to explore. I found a place open and I had breakfast. I was a bit hungry, I missed out on supper the night before, so I had fried rice, scrambled eggs and chamorro sausage. It was good, but the sausage was a bit too spicy, even for me! After breakfast I went walked some more, but I decided to sit and read for a while. I read and then I thought I'd go through the security gates and check out the duty free shops. I didn't see a lot of things that I liked, but I did buy some chocolates for my school.

Around 6:15 they started to let us on the plane. I discovered that I was seated right in front of the big screen, and I had no overhead compartment to put my bag in. I wasn't really a happy camper. Oh well. The movie was to be "Big Daddy" with Adam Sandler. Hmm. They served breakfast and the choices were fried rice or omelets. Despite already having fried rice that morning I chose it again. It was okay, and I tried to watch the movie too. But, I was just too tired and I fell asleep. I woke up just before we landed in Tokyo.

In the airport I lined up at the area for residents and people with re-entry permits. I was waiting happily when a guy came along and took my passport and walked off with it. I followed, a bit concerned! He worked in the area that helps the airline crew so I actually got to go through before the crew. It was easy, he didn't even ask me any questions. At the customs area I found my suitcase and then went through. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to declare the chocolates I bought in Guam, so I did, but he waved me by. Then I was back in Japan!

I ditched my suitcase at the luggage delivery service and found a post office. I thought I should mail those postcards as soon as possible!

Having done that I decided to go back to Tokyo by Express Train so I made a reservation and waited for the train. I read Reader's Digest...although I think they ought to re-name it "Sad Stories to Make You Cry". I was practically bawling while I was waiting for the train. My ride back to Tokyo was quiet. On the way there I decided to go to Shinjuku to go shopping. I did go to Shinjuku, but I got lost in the station and couldn't remember the exit that I usually used. I wandered for miles underground, then decided to get above ground. I found a HMV store but didn't buy's true! and I found a Starbucks and bought myself some coffee and a sandwich. I couldn't find the bookstore that I wanted to find, so I gave up and went back to Tokyo.

On the way to Tokyo, the train stopped and they kept announcing something. Most of the people got off the train and went to another track, so I did too. It was a very crowded milk run train, so I rode it for a while and then struggled to get off. I went back to my original train line and had an uneventful trip back to Tokyo. In the Tokyo station I bought a ticket to Niigata and a bento lunch for the train.

The train ride was long, quiet and fine. I got off in Niigata, put my backpack in a locker and went for a walk. I wanted to go to my favourite tea shop, but there was a sign up, so I didn't know if they were closed or not. I went to a casual restaurant for a sandwich. I did a little shopping then, but not much. I bought a few books, a few stamps and some socks!

Then I walked back to the station and caught the 8:00 pm train back to Tsuruoka. In Tsuruoka I took a cab back to my apartment because I was too tired to walk. Then, I answered a bit of e-mail and went to bed.

This has been a long entry, are you still with me?

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