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April 21, 2000 - Friday

My first day back to work was quite uneventful. The manager was off sick today. She sounded terrible when I talked to her.

I had brought back some Almond Roca and some chocolate covered coffee beans for the school from Guam. We went through one box today! It was yummy. Omiyage is pretty much expected from students....and co-workers! I decided to give my manager and Hitomi something a bit unusual, I brought sarongs back from Guam for them. They're really cool, I hope they like them.

Classes went okay, I did a bit of prep work for tomorrow, but I didn't get enough done for Tuesday. My private student today didn't come as there had been a death in her company. That was sad.

Tonight as I was riding home from work it was raining very hard. It wasn't windy at least, that would have been really yucky.

After I got home tonight I started my new book. It's "The Killing Game" by Iris Johansen. I've read some of her other books, and was indifferent to them. This however is different. Have you ever read a book and even though you didn't like the style of writing, the characters just came to life? Well it was like that when I read "Face of Deception". The main character was a woman whose daughter had been murdered by a serial killer. The woman, Eve, became a facial reconstructor. She can take the skull of an unidentified body and reconstruct it so that it looks like the person did. She does it to try to put a name to all of the bodies that show up. She is looking for her own daughter Bonnie, who was never found. The original story wasn't the greatest, but the character of Eve was very intriguing. So far this book, the sequel seems good. I'll keep you posted!

Anyhow, I'm off...I need to do some typing yet tonight. Later.

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