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April 22, 2000 - Saturday

A good day, but strange. Two of my classes cancelled. I was kind of sad, but I used the time to plan other lessons, so it was okay. I only had two lessons today, but they were my two hour long ones.

Our manager came back to work today. Her voice was a bit husky, but otherwise she seemed better.

In my last class we talked about katakana English, and we studied "health meters". In English we say weigh scales or some such thing... Anyway, my students had to make a sentence with the real English words instead of the katakana English. One of my students...a thin, totally physically fit young man said "I'm afraid of weigh scales." It was so ludicrous that the rest of the class just burst out laughing. If anyone is afraid of the scales, it shouldn't be him! That was a fun class tonight. We got through 2 lessons, and did a lot of fun stuff, like pictionary. That was cool.

After school we had a goodbye party for one of my students. He's transferring to Nagaoka to work on his qualifications as a surgeon. I'll miss him a lot, but it's the best thing for him. Anyway, the party was nice. Not a lot of drinking, just some talking and having a good time.

I came home and as there was nothing on TV...of course....I watched an episode of The Pretender that Van had sent me. Great stuff...cute guy!

Next, I'm off to bed, I have another party tomorrow afternoon. It's our O-hanami, or cherry blossom party. I hope it doesn't rain.


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