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April 23, 2000 - Sunday

Today was our O-hanami party. However, it rained all last night and part of today, so we didn't have our party outside. Instead we still met at City Hall and went to a restaurant that was part of the O-hanami celebration. It was fun, and quite a few people showed up.

We ate and drank oolong tea and talked. The daughter of one of Hitomi's students was there and she was quite rambunctious. I ended up playing with her a bit and so did one of my students.

After the eating party, of course there was karaoke. We went for 2 hours, but many of us stayed for 3. It was great, it feels like it has been a long time since I went to karaoke. I miss it. I did a few old songs, and I even did Steps "5, 6, 7,8" and got all the words! I sang a couple of really soppy songs too, REO Speedwagon's "I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" and Corey Hart's "Can't Help Falling In Love". Why oh why do I sing those? Hmm. No comment.

When we finished at karaoke I went to the park again to check out the stalls and got a couple of things to eat. I walked a round a lot, but didn't see anyone I knew, and it was getting late, so I decided to just go home.

At home I decided to go and rent a couple of movies, so I did. I just finished watching "The Faculty"...kind of an updated version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" set in a high school. It was good. It had some genuine chills and the characters were well written. It was also good to see Piper Laurie on screen again. I missed her from her Twin Peaks days.

And now that the night has fallen, and I'm getting extremely tired, I think I'll retire. Have a good one!

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