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April 25, 2000 - Tuesday

Well, I just watched the end of Moll Flanders and it was great. Alex Kingston was a treat as Moll.

Today I felt a bit better. I went to bed really early last night so I think I got enough sleep.

I had only 4 classes today. I was supposed to have 6 but one student decided to start next week and then another student didn't come.

Classes generally went well. I think they were fun. I enjoyed them anyway.

Today was my manager's birthday and as I was too sick to get her anything yesterday I took her out for supper tonight. We went to a Yakiniku restaurant. It was funny because we were cooking the meat and it kept catching on fire. The flames were so high we were afraid to turn the meat over. And for you vegetarians out there, we did have some vegetables too! We laughed a lot, then we discussed men. I told her about the guy I'm interested in and then I tried to think of a good guy for her. But, I couldn't.

And that's it. Just another normal work day, sort of.....

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