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April 26, 2000 - Wednesday

The problem about having nearly perfect skin is that when I get a blemish, I freak out. Today, I woke up with not one, but two lovely zits, pimples, blemishes. Argh. One is bad enough, but TWO! I was a total basketcase today. I'm not usually vain, but it just drives me crazy to have zits.

In other, more cheerful news, I taught 6 classes today. One of them actually had 8 people in it! That's the largest class I've ever taught. I think all my classes went well tonight too.

I'm looking forward to the holiday. I sort of realized tonight that I only have 2 more days of work before the holiday. Yay! I have so much to do during the much cleaning. Yikes.

When I came home tonight I got to watch Beverly Hills 90210. It was a good one, the one where Janet finally accepted Steve's proposal. Yay!

Today was a pretty good day. I hope that tomorrow is just as good!

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