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August 27, 2000 - Sunday

A day at the beach, that's what I'm calling this. I got up this morning, got a phone call :-), and left for the beach party. I did apply a lot of sunscreen before I left.

I walked to the school, via the convenience store for breakfast. At the school I ate and we all waited for the manager who had overslept!

When she arrived we set out. In the morning it had looked cloudy from my apartment, but on the way to the beach there were hardly any clouds in the sky, and it was hot! I saw a thermometer on a corner and it said it was 28 degrees. I think the beach was actually hotter than that.

The beach was great. There were lots of people there, but it wasn't crowded and the water was great. I only paddled my feet, but it was nice. We set up and cooked. The food was delicious. We had steak, chicken, sausages, salad, and ice cream. Yum. As an Enid Blyton character used to say, "Why is it that food always tastes so much better outside?"

After we ate, we sat around and just talked or slept. It was nice. Unfortunately, I got a bit of sunburn on my back, it's a little painful, but not too bad. After a lot of mellow time, we packed up and headed back to Otaru.

I was let off about halfway home from the school and I walked home. I stopped to buy a couple of glasses and a Japanese tea cup, then to buy something to drink...tea and coffee. At home I watched a video and then a video that my sister had sent me a while ago.

I'm going to go to bed in a few minutes. I'm a bit tired and I'll have to get up early tomorrow for my lesson. Bye!

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