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August 28, 2000 - Monday

It rained today. It rained a lot.

I got up early, for me on a Monday anyway and I got ready and went to my Japanese lesson. It was great. I learned a lot, and I remembered some of the things I had forgotten.

After the lesson I hit the video store and rented five videos. I'm not sure when I'm going to watch them all! Then I went back to my apartment and had a bit to eat.

I decided to go to Sapporo to get a book for my Japanese teacher so I climbed up the hill and caught the train. It was raining and my shirt got pretty wet, on the sleeve anyway.

It was still raining in Sapporo. Sigh. I walked over to the book stores, via a Doutors Coffee Shop for an inferior bagel and very good Royal Milk Tea. I got a couple of movie magazines and the British Cosmo. Yay.Then, at the other store, I got 3 bargain books...2 of which are Elizabeth Peters and a full price novel by Elizabeth George. I also got a Japanese teacher's manual for my teacher to use. I'll have to drop it off one day.

I also hit the Virgin Megastore and bought a various artists cd. I think it has potential. A trip to The Body Shop was nice, but I didn't buy anything for me.

I walked back to the train station, but on the way I decided to get some more cash so I hit a bank machine. I hit one that had-drum roll please- English instructions! I was so impressed! Except for popping back to Canada last year, it was the first time I'd used a bank machine in English in more than 3 years. What a treat.

The train ride back was pretty uneventful. I took a slow train and I couldn't get a seat at first. I got one later and read one of the magazines I had bought.

I came home, watched a bit of a video and then ER. I'll go to bed pretty soon I think. I'm a little tired. I did a lot of walking around today. I think it's stopped raining now, but it was nice to have a bit of cooler weather for a change.

Night all

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