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December 2, 2000 - Saturday

Well, today was another warm day. I was happy, the snow is melting a bit and it isn't so slippery out.

I was busy again today, but it was nice. Classes went really well, and I enjoyed them a lot. I hope my students did too!

I got out of the school fairly early and walked home. I decided not to stop at the store as I'd bought both brunch and lunch there.

When I got home I did a bit of laundry and watched some TV. After one-ish I started to watch one of the videos that Van had sent to me. It's pretty good.

I'm a tad worried. My nightly phone call ended abruptly last night and I didn't get one tonight. Hmm. What happened?

So, what's on the board for tomorrow? Not sure really. I've got to buy some wrapping paper and I'd like to write a few Christmas Cards too. I might even like to make a few more.

Oh hey I meant to mention this. Today on the radio at work they actually played Anne Murray's You Needed Me. It was so cool to hear it again. And, I'm watching some of the Canadian TV video and there was an update with Lloyd Robertson. It's a Canadian thing.

I'm going to go off to bed soon I think. I'm pretty tired. Night.

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