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December 3, 2000 - Sunday

I had a pretty good day today. I slept in quite late and then got up and finished my laundry. I watched some of the tape that Van had sent, it was fun.

I went out in the late afternoon to the mall. I needed to buy some wrapping paper and toilet paper! I also wanted to get started on my Christmas present to my friends Susan and Steve. I did!

I did check out the films in case there was something I wanted to see, but there wasn't. I found a Doutors and had a turkey bagel and coffee. Yum. I also ran into one of my school's students at the stamp area of a store and chatted for a while. I offered to give her some advice if she starts stamping.

I went to the movie goods store and bought a postcard and some stickers. The lady told me the price in very good English. That was nice. I don't need it, but it is sure nice when it happens.

I got a lot of wrapping paper at the 100 yen store. I found some beautiful Japanese style paper for only 100 I bought two rolls.

I went downstairs, bought a few groceries, then headed back to the train station. It was darn cold outside. There was a nasty wind. I got off the train and went into the convenience store at the station. I was able to get some New Years Cards so I'm going to try and send some this year. Want one? Send me your address. (Sorry, this offer only applies to people in Japan!)

I was walking down the hill from the train station when it happened. I slipped and fell on the ice. Nothing was hurt except my dignity...I hope. I got home and for the next couple of hours I wrapped Christmas presents. Some of them I just wrapped in Christmas paper, but some of them I got ready for mailing. While I was wrapping I drank a Bartle & James berry wine cooler. It was just something different for me. I haven't had a drink in a long time.

I'll be off to bed soon I think. I still have to wrap many of Katie-chan's presents...but I can do that tomorrow, I hope.


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