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December 6 , 2000 - Wednesday

Well, today wasn't a great day. It had snowed a tad over night and it was really really windy this morning. It was so windy that it was hard to breathe. I walked to work, picking up my breakfast on the way.

I had 2 cancellations at work today so I was able to get a lot of preparation done. I also got started on my Christmas decorations, I started making paper chains. You can buy precut strips out of origami paper in stores. It means that they are really easy and colourful to make.

The office wasn't too busy today, the manager was away for a meeting and one of the teachers had her day off.

Classes, well, for a change, classes didn't go all that well. I only had two, two children's classes and they were not great. One of the children had a real behavior problem today. He did before, but he'd gradually been getting better. I guess I'll have to talk to his family again.

I got out of the office quite early, at the same time as Justin and we walked home together. It was not great outside. It was really snowy and slippery in places. I've been able to hear the wind and the snow this evening and it was nasty. I'm glad I'm not out there.

That's about it. I popped in a tape that Van had sent, watched an episode of Frasier and then The 70's Show. Soon, I'll be going to bed. Night.

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