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December 5, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was a reasonably nice day. It snowed though during the day so walking home was a bit scary at times.

Classes were fine, I enjoyed them, and I even think the students did too!

I took those cards I wrote to the post office and mailed them. They were pretty darn expensive! I also bought some stamps for my inside Japan mailings.

After work I wrote a letter to a student who had just finished. I'm going to miss her a lot.

I walked home via Mosburgers and grabbed a burger for supper. It was darn good., but I waited till I got home to eat it.

And that's about it. It really was a quiet normal day. I wish that I had something exciting to talk about but I don't. I did take a bath before bed, and then watched Friends. It was the New Year's episode where Ross just got the stupid monkey Marcel.

One cool thing that happened last night was I checked my homepage entry for last year, and I could picture the day exactly. It's amazing how just this simple act of writing my daily journal has helped me remember my life more. I've always been a person who lets things slide a bit, but the daily journal works so well! Try it out!


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