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December 8, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay. Not great, not bad. Classes all went well, I generally enjoyed them.

During our staff meeting we did a little bit of decorating, so we put up the tree in the school's lobby. It's a nice start. I didn't have time today to work on paper chains. I wanted to, but didn't get around to it.

I only had to plan 2 of the lessons for tomorrow, but it took a long time. I just couldn't get into it.

It's quite warm tonight, around -1 or so.

A weird thing happened this morning. My sister sent me a really weird e-mail. It was a page from the web. It had a "disgusting" food story on it. I gotta tell you, it was so awful I nearly threw up when I read it. I wrote her an e-mail and asked her why she sent it to me. I was quite angry. Even now my stomach is turning just thinking about it. It was supposedly from a site about e-diets. Well, I'm not dieting, and I don't know why she would think I would like the page. The only possible thing I can think of is that some virus invaded her computer again and sent it to me. Or, maybe she didn't read the story. I don't know. I'm waiting for an explanation.

In other news though I received two packages of videotapes from her today. One of them had been opened by customs, no doubt looking for evil foreign influences.

Anyway, Ally McBeal is on and I want to get back to it. Have a good one! Night...

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