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December 9, 2000 - Saturday

Things are okay. I had a busy and tiring day. All four classes were single student classes. Since 3 of my classes are double length it puts extra pressure on me and them. I felt a bit sorry for my students to be honest!

Weather was okay today too. It wasn't that cold so the walk to and from work was quite pleasant today. It's still slippery coming down the hill so I used the grips in my boots again. I don't know if they really work or if I just think they work, but I got down the hill much easier with them than I would without.

I watched my usual Saturday night TV, 90210 and Dharma and Greg. The latter was really funny. I also taped Face/Off tonight. I've seen it before, but I want to see it again. And, I just finished watching Stargate on Japanese TV. Van sends it to me sometimes, but it was nice to find it on regular TV.

I've got an exciting day of laundry and stamping ahead of me. If I finish early maybe I can have some fun later! I sure hope so. Not sure what fun will entail, maybe doing grocery shopping or something.

Anyway, that's my day so far. Actually I'd say that that's my day! Nighty night.

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