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December 10, 2000 - Sunday

Today was a very very quiet day.

I slept in till almost 1:00 pm. It was nice! I'd stayed up late to watch a movie about storms and it didn't end until 5:00 ish. That meant I was pretty tired. I did wake up once around 10:00 in a tiny panic because I thought I was late for work. I thought for a minute and realized that it was Sunday and I didn't have to work. Dreamland called me back.

I did laundry and was happy to find that one of my favourite movies was on TV. Unfortunately, it had been dubbed into Japanese. Fortunately for me though, I'd bought the video when I was in Tomakomai! However, I had a nasty moment though when I took the tape out of the case. The kanji on the outside of the box said it was subtitled, but the kanji on the inside said it was dubbed. I decided to check it out and it was fine. It was only subtitled. I got to watch Strange Days again.

It was around five or so when I finished. I decided that I should go out for supper. I hadn't eaten anything really substantial all day. I wanted to try some place new so I went to The Grand Hotel Otaru to the second floor restaurant. It was a Chinese restaurant. I had crab fried rice, shu mei, and egg rolls. I had a seat by the window too, so that I could see Sushiya street and Hanazono. I also had taken my book, The Breaker along so I could eat and read and stare out the window. The food was good, and I enjoyed myself. When I finished it was around 7:30 and everything was shutting up for the night so I decided to go home. I walked home.

When I got home I started to make New Years cards. I made 19 of them, I'd made one before. It took a long time, but they look pretty darn great I think. I could be a tad biased though. I hope people like receiving them as much as I liked making them.

And that's it. That's my day. Very quiet, but relaxing.

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