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December 12, 2000 - Tuesday

It was cold, windy and snowy today. The temperature got down to -8 according to the temperature sign on the bank. It's the coldest I've experienced in Japan.

I also realized that I've been in Otaru for 6 months now. I'm liking it more, in some respects. I like being able to have popcorn with butter on it at the movies, I like being able to go to movies in a nice theater with good sound, and I like to go the the mall and have a nice cup of coffee. But, some bad points are the lack of snow removal and the never ending hills! As I go to more places on a regular basis I am finding some people to be a little friendlier, but they are still a long way from Shonai friendliness. One nice thing here is that more people do speak English. Every now and then I'll buy something and the person will speak to me in's such a nice treat. I don't take it for granted at all.

On with my day. Well, it was Cosmo day today. Hurray! I went out for lunch to the restaurant in the building next to my office and read my Cosmo. I didn't get it finished, I still have to find out things like 2500 Ways to Dress Like a Sleeze and other important info.

Classes went pretty well. In one class I made the decision to do more review instead of going on and I'm really glad that I did. It was one of the most successful classes that I've had for a while with that student. It turned out that the stuff we did was just perfect for what he wants to do, study for an exam.

I left the office around 10:00...just a bit before I think and walked home. I bought supper at the convenience store and then continued on my merry way.

At home I decided to finished the cards I made last night. I carefully put the glue on the first card, then gently poured the blue lamé on top. I was moving my work surface out of the way when it happened. The paper with the card and the excess lamé on it fell to the floor. I now have beautiful blue lamé everywhere! I tried to clean it up, but I couldn't get it all. It was a bit late at night to get out the vacuum I thought. However I did finish the cards, and I think they are pretty darn good. I don't want to give them away! I want to keep them for me. But, what would I do with them? I don't know. Oh well.

And that's about it for me. It's freezing in my apartment...not literally, but it is damn cold. Last night I left the heating on all night...I don't want to do that again, but I don't want to be cold either. I can't sleep if I'm cold.


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