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December 13, 2000 - Wednesday

It was an okay day today. I had my three kids classes today and a private student that doesn't come very often. That was nice.

The weather was a bit better today. It was almost warm. It was easy to walk as well, the snow had covered the ice so traction wasn't a problem.

I'm going to talk about something that I've been meaning to talk about for a while. Buskers. In Otaru there are lots of them. It's fun to see them in the covered malls, or on Hanazono street. Yesterday, there was a guy and his girlfriend (I think) trying to set up. It was -8, but he was determined to play his guitar. That either takes dedication or stupidity. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt! Sometimes the street performers sound really good and its nice to listen as I walk by. Near the department store there are often a lot of girls doing Para-Para dancing. It's funny to watch them, although personally I think that Para-Para is inane.

Tonight when I got home I decided to make apple sauce. A few days ago I thought about having hot apple sauce and vanilla ice cream. The apple sauce is cooking away in my rice cooker and I'm thinking about getting out the ice cream now.

I took most of my Christmas stamps in to work today so that I could begin my lessons on making Christmas Cards. It's a lot of fun, so I hope everything goes well.

Now I should write a couple of cards before I go to bed, and of course there's that apple sauce calling my name. Night....and bon appetit!

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