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December 16, 2000 - Saturday

The weather was very changeable today. In the morning it was fine, but later on it snowed. When I walked to work it was 0 and when I came home it was -4.

Classes went well today. I did making Christmas cards in 3 of them. The students really enjoyed it for a change. I wouldn't do it every week of course, but for a once in a blue moon kind of was great. The pictures that they created were wonderful.

I received another card this morning, along with a calendar and a package from my relative in Britain. Yay. I look forward to opening them.

After I finished work I decided to go to Mosburgers for some supper. I ate in, and I'm glad that I did. It was nice to eat my hamburger while it was hot. I also had some cocoa...perfect on a cold winter night.

When I got home tonight I watched my usual combo of Beverly Hills 90210 and Dharma and Greg. Pretty funny. I also just kind of vegged. I enjoyed today, but it was tiring. All my classes were 1 person classes today. That means I have to do at least half of the talking. Out of 7 hours of teaching, that's a lot of speaking.

Tomorrow is my school's Christmas party. I wasn't looking forward to it at first, but now I am. I hope there will be some food I can eat...I'm allergic to tomato sauce and the party is in an Italian restaurant. Keep your fingers crossed for me. We are having a gift exchange, I hope I get my gift back! I like it a lot.

Speaking of Christmas. I had brought my Christmas cds to work and we started playing them in the lobby yesterday. That meant that I finally got to hear my three favourite Christmas songs again.....Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy by Bing Crosby and David Bowie, Do They Know It's Christmas? by Band Aid and of course Last Christmas by Wham! Now I feel tons more in the Christmas Spirit. If only I could get some Christmas Cake....western style! (They have Christmas Cake in Japan, but it's a sponge cake with fruit and whipped cream.. very different from what I consider Christmas Cake).

I wonder if the karaoke box tomorrow night will have "Santa Baby" , the Eartha Kitt version? Hmm. I'd really love to try that one. Of course, it could be embarrassing if no-one understands the lyrics.

Anyway, I'm off. I'm really tired.

Oh, one last thing. I read today about some genetic modification that has been done to fruit flies. They call the modified flies "INDY". (I may have the details a little wrong) That's short for "I'm not dead yet" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I think that's hilarious.

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