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December 15, 2000 - Friday

I only had 4 classes today, so I'm not really sure why I'm so tired, but I am. Sigh. I did stay up quite late again. Oh well.

It was warm again today. When I walked home tonight it was a balmy -0. Yeah, I know there's no such temperature, 0 is neither plus nor minus, but the signs don't seem to know that.

Today at work I did stamping in two classes. It was fun, the people I did stamping with had some really good ideas. They gave me some too.

We also decorated our school today, looks pretty good. I even hung that paper chain that I finished last night. I always feel like a bump on a log when we do things in the lobby because I don't know what to do.

I mailed off another Christmas Card today and I got a box of Christmas Presents from Van. Yay. I'm happy that I'll have something to open on Christmas day.

That's about it for tonight. It's short I know, but that's all you get! Later.

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