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December 18, 2000 - Monday

Hello. Well, today I slept. I did. I went to bed very late...I was worked up from the party, and was watching A Streetcar Named Desire too. I did get up around 10:30. I tried to phone my teacher nearer 11 to make sure that she got my message about cancelling my lesson, but I didn't get an answer.

I went back to bed and slept. I was shocked to discover that when I woke up again it was after 2. Well after 2. Oops. I got up finally and watched a bit of TV. After a while I decided that I had better get to the mall if I was going to go.

I walked up the hill to the station. If I rushed through the gate, I could catch the 4:58 train, if I didn't I could catch the 5:18 train. I tried to catch the 4:58 one, but there were a lot of people coming up the stairs so I couldn't run. I waited outside for the next train. It was a bit chilly but not too bad for me.

At the mall I first found a magazine to read, went and had a late lunch/early supper....carbonara thank you very much for asking and then went shopping. I bought...lots of stuff that I can't really talk about here. I did buy myself a teddy bear. Yep. A teddy bear. He's gorgeous. It's a Cottage Collectible
by the name of "Knockabout". He's made to look old. He's soft and squishy and looks patched. It's hard to describe but something about him made me comeback 3 hours after I first saw him to buy him. I'm not sure why, but he's great.

I headed home before 9, made it home with no problems and decided that I should really wrap Christmas presents before I leave for the long weekend. It took me a while, so I watched some of the TV that Van sent me. I enjoyed it.

That's about it. I also bought myself a couple of movie postcards for my collection today. One from X-Men and one from A Room With A View. My collection is getting bigger and bigger, but I have one stipulation for it. I can only buy the postcard if I have seen and liked the film. I've seen many films, but if I didn't like them, why would I want to advertise them? Dunno.

Anyway, that's it for me. Back to work tomorrow. Sigh. But, it's a short week so it should be fun. I hope!

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